Name: Serath Val'Virdan (Aramil Lordain) Race: Half-Elf Gender: Male Age: 28 Class: Bard Alignment: Neutral good Attributes: Strength -12 Dexterity- 14 Constitution – 11 Intelligence – 12 Wisdom – 10 Charisma – 17 Appearance & personality: [hider=My Hider] Serath is possessed of a Debonair personality and appearance. A mixture of indomitable confidence and a rakishly handsome appearance gift him with a natural air of authority and assuredness. Jet black hair carefully, naturally full and thick, is often long and kept neat (mostly)in a pony tail. Sharp green eyes, pointed ears and enough human blood to grow a beard. Usually he only keeps it as a few days stubble, finding that the woman he encounters are often appreciative of it. His features are a mix of the thin, lean and perpetually youthful elves and the rugged, stronger profile of human men. He can be gallant and chivalrous as the most respectable knight, if the mood strike him. But most people who know him know him as a man of sharp wit and Devil-may-care view of life. He lives primarily for the moment, taking advantage of youth, elven vigour and his own charismatic gifts to live a life the envy of many a young lad. Wine, woman and song as it were. He enjoys indulging in luxuries when possible. Beleiving it to be healthy for the body and mind. Its not that he doesn’t plan or think about the long term. He just realizes that the long term is a long time coming. And between now and then there are opportunities to pounce upon. He would rather live a short, vibrant life than a drawn out dull and pedantic existence. He is also concourse of his appearance and presentation to others. He dresses as well as he is able and acts when necessary. Particularly when there is a lady or possible patron of his art to impress. He travels and adventures throughout the lands primarily for his own entertainment, the stories and inspirations it can offer and the chance at a little fame and recognition never hurt a bards career. [/hider] Background: [hider=My Hider] Serath is a bastard. Both figuratively and literally. Born of a dalliance between a lesser human noble and an elven lady serving as ambassador to Erindor. The entire affair once discovered was quickly suppressed and covered up for the sake of both the human and elven families involved. The child which was birthed lived a comfortable but somewhat distant life from both parents. It wasn't like he didn't know who his parents were, he figured that out in time despite efforts to mislead him. Both parents were also watchful of their offspring. Neither capable of outright giving him patronage or official recognition but making sure that he did not live in squalor or want for things like a fine education and as many opportunities for social inclusion (that is participation in circles of nobility) as could be managed. Chief amongst these lessons retained by Serath are the arts and histories. Of which he retains a great interest and affinity for both. He also quickly learned and took to discovering his 'gift of the gab' as some might call it. His ability to speak, deflect and use his wit to carry himself forward in conversation or through hardship. When that failed he also learned the Nobles art of dueling and sword play. Becoming fairly capable at defending himself with or without a blade in hand. He developed a certain reputation in those years. Both positive and negative. He became known as a ladies man, a silver tongue and a scoundrel. In truth leaving to join the expedition to finds the ember shards was just as much an excuse to flee Erindor and the many jilted ex-lovers, angry dueling rivals and enraged fathers and a displeased bookie or two, as it was an excuse for adventure and fortune. During his pubescent years it was also discovered his elven blood had gifted him with a touch of magical ability. A gift his mother helped to tutor and cultivate. Though it became apparent he would be no wizard or sorcerer. His gift was present but.... lesser. He learned to better combine it with his greatest passion. Making all the more out of his arcane gift when combined with his talent in the art of music and note. Like a sorcerers powers the merger between these two things was just natural to him. Serath does not dislike his parents but does not, strictly speaking like them either. He takes their gifts and their proffered help willingly enough but has always held a pang of resentment towards both of them for their unwillingness to show him any sort of paternal care and words. His father, whom he mostly communicates to via letters has endlessly promised to find some way to accept and acknolwedge him as his son. Citing that if possible he should forge his own destiny and make attempts to build his own name and reputation. If he were a well known hero or a man of great talent the social norms of Erindor might be cast aside long enough for him to proclaim Serath as his son and any who might raise objection would themselves only look like fools for denying a hero reunion with his father. His mother, while she does love him is in a much more percarious situation. His human blood is viewed as a taint by the elves. Something to be pitied for marring what might have been an otherwise perfect specimin. He will always be a lesser being in the eyes of the elves. Forever held back by his human nature. It would be easier for him to find acceptance and fortune in Erindor and other human lands than in the elven kingdom. [/hider] Feats: trained skills: [hider=My Hider] Bluff +4 ranks Diplomacy +4 ranks use magic device +4 ranks Listen +4 ranks Perform (string instruments +4 ranks Knowledge (History) +4 ranks Gather information +4 ranks [/hider] Racial & class abilities: Immunity to Sleep, Elven bloodlines, bonus to spot, listen & search ,Low light vision, bonus to diplomacy & gather information checks Bardic Music, bardic knowledge, Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage Equipment: backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, waterskin, trail rations violin