[@Dannyrulx][@Eisenhorn][@POOHEAD189][@Roosan][@Gizm0] [quote=@Eisenhorn][@Jbcool] As an actual question, we going to be making prim and proper Dark Heresy RPG book CS's, or will it be more free form?[/quote] I'm gonna go for more of a freeform, this isn't an [b]actual[/b] RPG after all, [b]however[/b] - and this is for everyone - I'd like/request that people bear in mind that I hope for this to be an RP that can develop/evolve their character. In short, don't go making your characters apex predators at the top of their games. Low-to-mid-tier would be suitable, to begin with anyway. As with some of my other RPs, the 'sheets' are going to be prose-based, but include the specifics of weapons etc as in normal sheets. Does this make sense? Any questions?