[hider=Aryn] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/fc/f0/0f/fcf00f7f9ec7b67f7f1deb0c3107ed2a.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Aryn Redfield [b]Alias:[/b] Clover [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Nationality:[/b] American [b]Occupation:[/b] Student [b]Team:[/b] Ana [hr] [b]Abilities -[/b] [list] [b]Neutral Ability:[/b] [*]Aryn is equipped with a visor that allows him to view his teammates status whenever they are connected to his enhancers. He can detect their heart rate, health, and hear their surroundings. The visor can also create holograms if needed and has basic functions of a computer. [hider=Visor] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ad/50/e4/ad50e451cbbac5150eff14588604f4f1.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Weapon Ability:[/b] [*]Aryn wears a cybernetic arm that allows him to safely conduct electricity without hurting himself. The arm can create deadly bolts of electricity that can cause create damage to the opponent though after each use it usually takes a whole minute for the arm to recharge, though shots can still be fired during the arms charging process, but each shot comes out weaker. [hider=Cybernetic Arm] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/28/11/23/281123ad3b944546f76de98c5d15f136.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Special Ability 1:[/b] [*]Small and compact chips are loaded into his cybernetic arm. These chips are known as, Enhancers and can enhance the following; speed, vision, and sound. While the enhancer has many other abilities enhancing is its main focus. Each enhancer can only be set for one mode and cannot change until the enhancer is destroyed during usage. [hider=Enhancer] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/61/d6/f7/61d6f757a4569bf4e79c842e0ffc7e7a.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Special Ability 2:[/b] [*]If an enhancer is close to being destroyed, Aryn can set the enhancer to release sound waves that can stun the opponent for a short amount of time, though after usage the enhancer is destroyed. [b]Ultimate Ability:[/b] [*]If all chips are at full charge he can teleport allies wearing the enhancer back to his position safely. [/list] [b]Biography:[/b] It is said that the Redfield family supported a group of terrorists during the fall of Overwatch. Aryn's great grandfather, Jonathan was mixed up into the conspiracy and rumored to supply a group known as The Talon. Oddly enough, Jonathan was found with illegal tech that was being delivered to The Talon and was quickly arrested. But not even, Jonathan knew where the tech came from when was he questioned. Ultimately he was arrested for supporting a terrorist group and later killed himself in prison. Now the Redfield's reputation slowly began to crumble and so did their company, Red Lox had ended in bankruptcy. Aryn's father, Jon now lead a life in the shadows attempting to regain the family he once had, though he was bashed for being the son of a terrorist and eventually had to go into hiding. In this moment of, Jon's life he manages to find love. A woman named, Lillian Silvester had stepped into his life. They developed a deep connection together-- having a great understanding of, Jon and guided him to a better path. There he slowly regained stability with his soon to be lover, Lillian. He became happier and returned to the man he used to be before the downfall of , Red Lox. After two years of dating, Jon finally decides to marry, Lillian and has a baby named, Aryn. Their, Aryn is created and leads a path that is very similar to, Jon's. [b]Extra/Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZANlUjYlGNs&index=16&list=PLkL469Md6IjyDfdx0g54QJXMXxeHRb6WW[/youtube] [/hider] 35% Done with the BIO.