[hider=Viper] [hider=Image] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1238/9388d802e7ee004d6f59312cbe1703c4cbf8e0f9.jpg?1290266[/img] [/hider] Name: Theodore Brewer Alias: Viper Age: 24 Nationality: English Occupation: Toxicologist and Talon agent Team: Talon (?) Abilities: ⦁ Neutral Ability: Overdose- As enemies absorb more poison from Viper's revolver and his ultimate , they will begin to take more and more damage from the poison over time. ⦁ Weapon Ability: Poison Dart: Fires a tranquiliser shot filled with a weak venom from his revolver, typically dealing a small amount of damage and injecting a small amount of venom into the targets bloodstream; as more venom circulates around a targets circulatory system, the more likely the target is to eventually succumb to the venom. ⦁ Special Ability 1: Acid Throw Throws a large vial of concentrated sulphuric acid capable of melting through thin layers of steel and causing damage to flesh on contact. ⦁ Special Ability2: Get-away Gas Drops a flask filled with incredibly dense smoke that will stop anybody nearby from seeing him. ⦁ Ultimate Ability: Arsenic Leak Viper releases an incredibly poisonous gas that will heavily damage anyone who inhales the gas, the gas will linger for several seconds until it drifts up into the sky or is filtered out due to a ventilation system. Biography: Theodore had a relatively average childhood and, despite his rather disturbing habit of capturing insects and other small animals before dropping them into weak acids to see what the results were, he was generally well-behaved and had impeccable manners. He had never had much interest in wars or government organisations such as Overwatch, even in it's prime he shrugged it off as a puppet organisation. At the age of 22, Theodore gained a degree in toxicology and began working in laboratories to develop new toxins for military use, however his work was soon discovered by the UN and was arrested for unethical practises, such as testing his chemicals on animals without permission. However , instead of losing his license and serving a sentence he was approached by a rather..shady individual who offered him an alternative; work in the USA for a organisation (who's name he would not reveal for 'legal reasons') on any projects they gave him. Naturally the toxicologist agreed. After several months of working, it became clear the organisation Theodore was working for was not a mere cleaning company as he was put onto projects to create many nonsensical ideas such as invisibility potions or heat vision potions. However his most recent project was far more practical, despite it being as ridiculous. The company had ordered him to devise a truth serum as they called it. While this was not his field, he had been supplied a variety of candidates to test on and many chemicals to use as a base, he had told his employers he was close to a break through, but then something interesting happened to the doctor. During one of the doctor's many late night work sessions , an agent of Talon had been sent to pay him a visit. Despite Theodore's efforts to escape, he was trapped inside his testing chambers with the agent, taking a final stand against the operative; he (literally) threw everything he had at the figure, from microscopes to highly corrosive poisons. Eventually however, the scientist slipped on one of the many puddles of acid in the room and fell, causing a vial of highly concentrated acid in his hand to smash over his face as he fell. Fortunately for Theodore, the acid did not damage any vital organs. Unfortunately , he was knocked out cold and taken by the Talon agent to one of their bases. There, it was explained to him that they were not attempting to kill him, but instead recruit him to develop poisons and serums without the ethical restrictions he was originally bound by, all they asked for was the truth serum he had supposedly developed. The doctor then informed them he had made no progress on the serum as he thought it was far too complex for any single man to create and instead had created a variety of different toxins under the guise of base chemicals for the serum. After hearing this, the agent seemed far less interested in Theodore, but still supplied him with a lab small lab and prisoners to test on. The agent informed him he was to use the lab to design poisons for Talon assassins and would occasionally be sent himself to prove his worth. That was fine with Theodore. The new Talon recruit did his jobs effectively and subtly , poisoning target's food or using his pistol to do so from afar and, in some situations, unleashing a highly toxic gas in the target's area which killed most people nearby. This use of poison earned him the title 'Viper' which is what he is typically referred to now. Extra: Viper typically covers himself from head to toe, and wears his mask not only to hide his horrific acid wounds , but also because his mask has a personal ventilation system, allowing him to breathe his deadly concoctions in without fear of damage to his body. Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFycwUZz5sU [/hider] This would have been finished sooner but I spent about and hour looking for an image (and even then it isn't amazing) and another half an hour getting side-tracked by doing a bunch of reading on toxicology because..I think I was checking if toxicologists actually get licences? I don't know, but I'm side tracked easily. Not sure if I've missed anything but let me know if I have.