[hider=Lux] [img]http://i.imgur.com/11lYCMA.png[/img] [h3][color=6ecff6]"I can see the path of fate as it stretches toward the horizon."[/color][/h3] [color=6ecff6][b]Name:[/b][/color] Aiden Paris [color=6ecff6][b]Alias:[/b][/color] Lux [color=6ecff6][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=6ecff6][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] Canadian [color=6ecff6][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Hard Light Engineer [color=6ecff6][b]Team:[/b][/color] Tracer [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [color=6ecff6][b]Neutral Ability:[/b][/color] Watchful Eye: Lux can see the condition of his barriers through walls the same way healers can see allies. [*] [color=6ecff6][b]Weapon Ability:[/b][/color] Lux makes hard light constructs of a shotgun that shoots ten rounds before vanishing and Lux creates a new and fully loaded shotgun out of hard light. His alternative fire is creating a small barrier in front of him that absorbs over a quarter of the damage dealt. The barrier lasts for two seconds and needs 4 seconds to recharge. [*] [color=6ecff6][b]Special Ability 1:[/b][/color] Deployable Barriers: Lux can create a barrier generator that generates a large shield that can be used as cover and when it gets destroyed it creates a small explosion that deals damage to nearby enemies. Lux can have up to two barriers up at any point. They last until they are either destroyed or new barriers are deployed. [*] [color=6ecff6][b]Special Ability 2:[/b][/color] Repairs: Lux uses his synthetic arms to repair barriers either allies' preexisting barriers or the ones he deployed onto the battlefield. [*] [color=6ecff6][b]Ultimate Ability:[/b][/color] Hard light Overdrive: Lux can temporarily increase his barriers to Level 2 where they're indestructible and heals all nearby allies but new ones can not be placed during this time. [/list] [color=6ecff6][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Lux is a product of teen rebellion starting late in life. Lux is articulate, intelligent, and seemingly unemotional. Which the latter being far from the truth. Lux is very emotional and he feels everything intensely but he seldom reacts to his emotions due to the strict upbringing of being raised by a cold and power-hungry Corporation. It was expected of Lux to be orderly, and logical, which wasn't for him. While he can control the battlefield with ease, he has issues doing the same with his life as he associates order and cleanliness to his old life. He also has incredible logic and deductions skills on the battlefield but like with order he has issues thinking logically with people and freedom since to him neither works with the logic that helped him on the battlefield and is just a chaotic mess. Which while he is adapting to, but he still has a time figuring out stuff. Lux is a very curious person, as he is curious to study any piece of tech he finds and if he has enough time to study it he can replicate with his hard light constructs. Lux is also becoming rebellious in his own small ways, never enough to argue with superiors or mess up a mission, more like messing up a person's name on purpose or playing innocent pranks. Lux feels a large part of his life was wasted on being trapped and used as a living tool. Which is why he prefers to be called Lux over Aiden since he feels Aiden is a long dead version of him that never had the chance to live as he should've. [color=6ecff6][b]Biography:[/b][/color] Lux controls the flow of both battles and society with his reality-bending hard-light construction, he wishes to create a just and perfect society through well-placed justice and protecting those who can't protect themselves. And he wants to be in the forefront of that change. Following the creation of Utopaea in southern India, the Vishkar Corporation moved its endeavors to all over the world, like Mexico, Rio de Janeiro and namely Vancouver, Canada. Vancouver like many large cities all over the world was heavily damaged following the Omnic Crisis so much so that the Canadian government contacted the Vishkar Corporation to make repairs to Vancouver. The reason why was due to the fact that the government was spread far too thin to deal with every city and town that was damaged during the Omnic Crisis so outside help was heavily used during the repairs of Canadian infrastructure. But the Vishkar Corporation took complete control of western Canada, taking children with the ability to create hard-light construction at night or off the streets to never be seen again the same way, and other extreme measures to make sure Vancouver doesn't end up like Rio de Janeiro. One such child taking from their home was Aiden Paris, a child born without arms but an extraordinary ability to bend hard-light to his whim to become an experimental Hard-light Engineer, young Aiden not knowing his origins or family was engrossed and indoctrinated into the will of the Vishkar Corporation, so for many years he was a fast learning and talented Hard-light user. Unlike most hard-light Engineers Aiden sees hard-light as a tool to defend and protect others instead of weaponizing it to kill and maim people. His soft and altruistic nature made him a danger to the Vishkar Corporation who wanted morally inept and unquestioning soldiers. But when he grew older Aiden questioned everything more and more wondering if the way the Vishkar Corporation is the right way or if there's a more humane answer to their abuse of power. But on his 18th birthday, Aiden was given synthetic arms to better control hard-light, but the cost was to kill a follow Hard-light engineer that was selling their tech to the black market. Aiden almost killed the engineer but in the last second Aiden betrayed the Vishkar Corporation and ran off before killing the engineer the engineer also survived the encounter and ran off to somewhere Aiden would never know. Aiden was on the run for a month before he got out of Vishkar's reach. One day the Engineer he spared contacted him and he vowed to help Aiden escape the Vishkar Corporation with his life and freedom intact. Sometime later Aiden was picked up by the Canadian government and was asked inside detail of the Vishkar Corporation after an anonymous message contacted them about the abuse of power in Vancouver. This leak caused an outrage all over Canada to overthrow the Vishkar Corporation from Vancouver. With Aiden's testimony inspiring others Vishkar employees to sue the company. The Vishkar Corporation was sued for millions and they closed their Canadian branch not long after. Aiden became kind of a celebrity and was given the nickname Lux by news outlets and bloggers a nickname he grew attached to and started to use. A few months after Lux was contacted by Overwatch to join in their new squad to deal with criminals like the Vishkar Corporation and Talon, although hesitant at first he joined them with a desire to serve and protect others, as he felt he was getting too comfortable in his role as a celebrity and he could use the training to better improve himself if the Vishkar Corporation ever comes for him. [color=6ecff6][b]Extra/Theme:[/b][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0h2u87JwyA[/youtube] Health: 100 Shield: 200 Height: 5'4" Weight: 133 Ibs [/hider] [hider=Cosmetics (WIP)] [h1][center][b]Cosmetics:[/b][/center][/h1] [hider=Skins] [center][h2][b]Skins:[/b][/h2][/center] [center]Epic:[/center] Engineer: - changes his hat into a primarily gold with the sides turning a deep royal blue. His ear piece glows gold with the metal part turning a dark shade of blue. His coat becomes a dark shade of blue with all the designs on it turning gold the light on his chest also glows a shade of gold and his hands are ungloved and you can see his robotic hands. His undershirt primary turns gold with the design turning a deep shade of blue. His pants turn a dark shade of blue with all the straps becoming gold. His shoes stays the same. [/hider] [hider=Emotes] [center][h2][b]Emotes:[/b][/h2][/center] [center][b]Heroic[/b][/center] [center] - Lux creates a Hard-light Shotgun and he rests it over his shoulder with a smile on his face [/center] [hr] [center][b]Take A Bow[/b][/center] [Center] - Lux takes off his hat then takes a bow before putting it back on with a chuckle [/center] [center][b]Modern Miracle[/b][/center] [Center] - Lux creates a chair to sit on which he does then he crosses his legs over each other and sits on the chair comfortably until he is shot at or he moves where he quickly jumps off the chair and the chair vanish.[/center] [center][b]Lmao[/b][/center] [Center] - Lux stance eases up and he places a hand over his mouth as he lets out a snorty chuckle which he quickly says "Excuse me."[/center] [/hider] [/hider]