Taka shakes his head and tries to get a better view of the middle of the battlefield...to notice a strange party of people grouped up there. Plus it seemed like the group were the primary focus on both armies, making it a perfect distraction for them to escape. He stops shooting for a moment to duck and weave through the soldiers, quickly grabbing Millow as he makes his way toward that group. Use these people as bait...or maybe see if they'll give us a way out of here. Better with them from the looks of it then here, after all, they don't seem to be the primary 'kill' target of both armies. "There! That's our way out, we get those guys to help us out and repay them! I have no desire of being slain here from a war that is pointless, I say we join up with that group and see if we'll be given sanctum. Come on, it's our only chance before the majority of the fighting comes back to us Millow! Let's get going and run as fast as hell!" Taka may be scared of fighting in close quarters, but running fast was a specialty of his.