Name: Indigo Ishida Age: 26 Birthday: December 8th Magic: Lost Magic: Hell’s eye A magic that's both powerful and a curse when bestowed upon someone. It can only be activated when Indigo has his left eye uncovered and opened wide. It also activates by just hearing the word release, hence why he covers it. As that’s a somewhat common word where anyone can activate his own magic. His black and blue eye once released starts turning his skin pitch black with parts of his body becoming more monster like. On the back of his hands forms two large blue eyes, which has their own vision which can warn the user of danger. The alterations that starts growing on his body gives him a strength boost and a defense boost, yet only in the areas that have become different. He can also fire off beam like attacks from the eyes on his hands. Yet the reason it’s also considered a cursed magic, is due to the loss of sanity that comes with it. The rumors on how this magic formed is a mage fought a powerful demon and the only way to beat it was to seal it inside himself. It gave the man both his own powers and the demon’s but at the cost that whenever used the demon fought for control. So the more his body alters to that of a monster, the more his sanity and control he losses. So he always stops using this magic before it engulfs more of his sanity than he can control. So whether this rumor on the magic is true or not, what is true is that whatever eats away at his sanity is not at all human. Yet it’s still his body, so if you knock him unconscious all the altercations will vanish and he will be himself again. Magic Level: A? History: As a child he was always considered an oddity among his town, as he was the only child with a red eye and a black and blue eye. Yet despite the name calling he received like freak eyes and two faced, his life was pretty damn normal. He was growing up with no worries until one day when he was nine, it was late at night when all of a sudden a voice rang into his room saying one word only. “Release” That was when a voice started laughing with a clear evil tone as his hand and arm started to turn black with blue like veins running through them, and that's the most he remembers before he started going berserk. It started with his poor unsuspecting parents, who were too shocked when they saw their son run at them looking like a demon possessed child. It took hardly any effort for him to plunge his hands through them. The ones who raised them snuffed out in an instant, and that’s when he moved into town. It took thirty minutes before guards started getting involved in the now screaming town. The guards who were reluctant to kill a child, but tried anyway slashed at his now black and blue covered head where his hair was glowing blue, almost neon like. Yet their normal swords did all but leave scars on his face, at this point it was far too late. The possession had taken over most of his body and no one in the village could stop him. Except for one person, this little girl who people were telling to run away, stood there smiling at him, as he took off sprinting at her. Then he halted right in front of her. The blank look in his eye said it all as he fell backwards with the altercations that had happened to his body vanishing. One dark orb from the little girl had knocked him unconscious, the shocked villagers saw this as their chance and ran at him with weapons, only to then get eliminated by Georgie herself. The rest who survived Indigo's killing spree were finished off by the young looking child. So when he awoke looking at the girl, he was told a fib. His village and even his parents tried to kill him for he possessed magic, and she had saved him. Then he was offered to join Shadow Heart, where the stipulation was to have fun however you deemed fit, as long as that fun didn’t spoil someone else from having fun. He was slightly shocked but his hero who saved him was offering him to join her and just have fun? Who would decline such an offer. He accepted and was then given an eye patch and was told to cover the blue eye as that was what his magic was. With that event, he had found himself a new home where he could literally do whatever he wanted to make himself happy. Somehow he found a place that made him even happier than his own home. So this was the place he made his home for over fourteen years Personality: You wouldn’t guess but growing up in Shadow Heart he had multiple people to try and mimic. The main one being Georgie herself as he will act quite childish on occasions which looks at bit creepy when you look at him, also finds violence since that was a main thing going on quite enjoyable. Placing bets on who would win. He also comes off a bit kind sometimes, in a cruel way but he learned that from Gypsy who taught him since he was young. Basically he learned to act from those older than him, as they were his role models so to speak Yet when his magic starts consuming him, he becomes more sadistic with more vulgarities and destructive speech. He will voice how he wants to kill you and how badly he wants it. Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, located on his inner right forearm Team Members: -shrugs- Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. He is capable of acting nice, so he doesn’t always portray a violence loving monster 2. His magic gives him sight in multiple directions, so he always has sight on most directions besides a couple. 3. He oddly was brought up to love baking, he's not sure why but he makes some damn good cookies, and if he's feeling like an jerk, he makes some rock hard cookies to throw. Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Sometimes having a bit of your personality from Georgie isn’t a good thing, mostly when violence happens out in a public area. You tend to get looks when you start chuckling at it. 2. While not blind, having the eye patch on does hinder him, as he isn’t use to being blind in one eye when he doesn’t need to be. 3. When his magic takes over, he has no control and it's like a mindless killing beast, so he's very predictable Greatest Love: Quite literally whatever he wants, as that's what he was taught to believe Motivation: To have everyone have fun doing whatever they want, it's what saved him, it will save the others. Appearance: [hider=Indigo][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Indigo’s magic][img][/img][/hider] Additional Details: [url=]My Demons- Starset[/url]