[hider=Rolls] Geraint attempts a dialogue with the unknown elves in an effort to avoid an unneeded fight if possible, rolling a [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/1239]13[/url]. [/hider] [i]"I assure you - stay your arms and we shall as well. At least share the reasoning for your intentions as we might have a common enemy here, more than either of us know."[/i] The man began as he started his slow descent down the steps, the tiger close behind him, ready at moment's notice to defend it's sworn ally. [i]"'Weary eyes, the wolf strikes.' Was that your phrase upon the wall?"[/i] He continued in hushed, eloquent word, his hands remaining visibly above his sides and far from his dagger. The druid drew no closer than he needed, stopping at the landing and observing the crack of light that stretched from somewhere below. The entire time he spoke he did so calmly, but willingly neglected to inform them of the tiger lurking but not more than a few feet behind him, poised and prepared to mount what would surely be an absolutely savage defense if called on. One Geraint himself was quite capable of, but these elves... something was off, that they still seemed worried, concerned and hurried by some unknown force. His elven was flawless, but the nature of the situation made even that little comfort. Sincerely he doubted them to be the true enemy, whatever the source of light being beyond perhaps held the true foe to face... [@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Yamazaki][@Aristo]