[hider=Onathe] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/66/fd/f6/66fdf6612a1eaecbd70b1ec2aa2793a6.jpg[/img] [b][color=gray]Name:[/color][/b] [color=silver] [i]Onathe “Webb” Chains[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Age: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]20[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Sex: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Female[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Gender: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Feminine pronouns[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Notoriety [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]0? Suggestion?[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Appearance: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Onathe is a tall, athletic woman, being around 175 centimeters plus heels. Due to her [s]cult’s[/s] organization’s standards, no modifications are allowed. So, all modifications must be invisible or easily covered by clothes. Their victorian style makes concealment much easier, as bulky and gaudily patterned clothes can conceal or distract from most modifications and small weapons. The group also obsesses over the colour red, claiming things about blood of humanity and life is in blood so red is a common theme. Red-headed children are seen as nearly prophet-like. [/i] [/color] [hider=Dress Examples] Onathe’s usual dress during services or “evangelizing” [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/24/e6/d0/24e6d0f74cd000680661a93cb385801d.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c9/b7/c6/c9b7c68f06f64504e7df069fb2ec9cca.jpg[/img] [img]http://image.dhgate.com/albu_608645353_00/temp2.0x0.jpg[/img] Common for children to wear cloaks- it is said that it “Preserves their purity” [img]https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1HOUZKXXXXXXnXXXXq6xXFXXXF/Top-Sale-font-b-Red-b-font-and-Black-Gothic-font-b-Victorian-b-font-font.jpg[/img] Ceremonial Garb [img]http://mediad.publicbroadcasting.net/p/shared/npr/201310/227893252.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b] [color=gray]Personality: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i] [/i] [/color] [center][i]Cunning – Manipulative – Prepared – Brooding[/i][/center] [b] [color=gray]Bio: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]“I am a member of the Gentleman Bastards, a group that emphasises on the separation of man and machine. We have our quarters in one of the larger cities and have purposely chosen an Olden Temple from the old world with the old style. The building is from just before the 2000’s era began and is gracefully adorned with windows made of actual fired glass. We spend our days outside of our temple with handwritten signs held above our heads to preach of how humans must remain humans and machines remain machines. We speak about history, generations, nature’s intent - blah blah blah you get the gist. The more the others assume we’re stupid, the more they argue with us, the more fallible our arguments the better. We [/i]want[i] them to hate us. It’s this hatred that bands them together, that makes them defend their people, to think of it as ‘us vs them.’ It’s this conflict that keeps the peace, and Europa knows that. Why do you think they let us keep our temple, even though it takes up valuable space? They encourage small, extremist groups that keep the opinion unpopular and give it a negative connotation. When people look at us they see what they don’t want to be, and that’s more powerful than any advertisement. Do you really think that if we were a threat, they’d think for a moment before tearing our temple down? That’s the plan, anyway. So long as they’re distracted with the outside, they won't bother to look inside. The bigger and messier the distraction the better. Riots are good, military action is better. If we manage to get enough opposition from the community that they threaten our lives, it’s the perfect position for us. You see, the Gentleman Bastards existed long ago as well. They were a group that took orphans and turned them into espionage professionals. Some of the biggest government takedowns were planned by this group. Why, they managed to take down an entire district with nothing more than human fire-”[/i] ”Hey, that was an accident-” “Shut up, arso, I’m telling a story,” [i]“Well, we decided to bring back the society and make it more modern to fit our needs. Sure, on the surface we have crazy ideals and dress in ancient fashions as we preach about times before robotics but once you go deeper the secret society begins to reveal itself. Much like an ode to the original, we take in orphans and unwanted members of society. We feed them, clothe them, educate them. The children know nothing of our workings and are used for begging - mostly to further the idea that we are a waste of space that is useless. They do our errands and put a sweet face on the front lines, people usually feel sorry for our “brainwashed” youth. When we notice that a child is particularly rebellious, or that to meet their begging quotas they will pickpocket instead, our interest turns to them. We begin to condition them, test them to see their cunning. It’s a difficult balance, measuring when a bright child is ready for transition as they usually disagree with what we preach. Why for some it’s younger or older, it just depends on-”[/i] ”Get on with it,” [i]Basically, we train them to become spies, silent killers of the night hiding in plain sight. We teach the young ones ancient methods like karate, show them how to disarm and distract. After initiation, teenagers go through the most rigorous training, as it involves real-life, low-level missions. Many are caught and punished or even killed, which just furthers public thought that our little cult messes with their minds and causes them to act out of extreme defiance to rebel against us. But, those who make it to adulthood are some of the most powerful influences of underground movements. Even if the reach of a movement is wide, they may not even know that they are dealing with the Bastards. Maybe they get sensitive information, or a grid goes down just as they need it. Many of these “coincidences” were planned and carried out by our team. We have members in nearly every part of society or group. If any of our agents are caught, it’s nearly impossible to trace them back to our little temple - we get a lot of inspiration from mobs in the olden days and are perhaps even better at covering our tracks. We are nonpartisan, only looking out for our own agenda. Sometimes it helps us to aid some people and sometimes it helps us to deter them. I digress.[/i] ”Hell yeah, you do…” “Nobody asked you,” [i]And that’s who I am. An unwanted orphan, trained to be a skilled assassin. Any other defining factors have been erased, for the good of our cause.[/i] ”Should I tell them about what’s under the temple?” “Headquarters. HQ is under the different temples. Was it not obvious? “People are stupid,” “Speak for yourself.” [i]“And that’s Locke Lamora. Well, what’s left of him anyway. He has no human left in him, no heart, no organs, no anything. But, to be fair he didn’t start out with a heart,”[/i] “Oh, I assure you I have one organ left…” “Grow up, you’re like centuries old,” “You’re not my mom!” “You’re right, you’d be much smarter if I were,” [/color] [b] [color=gray]District: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i] We at the Gentleman Bastards deny the numerical system of districts. (DST-5-WEST)[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Weapon(s): [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Small but sharp knives shoved into wherever her outfit allows. Electric scrambler, can fry some mechanics and stun humans. Black metal with tiny hooks about the size of a pack of cards, will stick to things using the van der waals effect. Must enter code and number of volts/amps. One charge lasts 5-10 uses, depending on strength. Uses snipers on occasion.[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Armour: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Close to clear, thin nano armour. Not incredibly strong but flexes like spandex and is puncture resistant. [/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Cybernetics: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i] Onathe is a bit peculiar about her cybernetics. Using their own black market-type of surgeries Onathe has opted for nanos that are in her blood and inserted into bones, making healing a bit quicker. She also has a filter down her throat, right before her lungs that filter out anything that might harm them (this is replaced whenever heavily used-for example being exposed to thick smoke). She can’t breathe water but if water does get down her throat it stops-making drowning a little more survivable. [/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Account Balance: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]2500creds[/i] [/color] [b][color=gray]Other:[/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]EMPs, signal blockers, biological weapons, and electrothermal items can be found in headquarters but you must get strict orders to use them, when where and why so she knows how to use them. But, if she uses them without permission it means termination. And not just of contract.[/i] [/color] [/hider]