[center] [img] http://i.imgur.com/Jeuq4tU.jpg [/img] The road ahead of our heroes is a dangerous one, which holds the promise of many different destinations. With the information that Dallen uncovered, our group could easily return to the Pagans and collect their reward, but the mystery surrounding Project Hamilton and the Salt Lake Chasm still lies somewhere out there in the far off land of New Canaan, waiting to be uncovered. The camp outside of New Reno would be a good place to follow up on this lead. Alternatively, the bounty on Rickman has yet to be claimed, and the promise of further work for the Donna Lazzari is a tempting one. Further still, the assault on the Desperado cannot go unanswered, and the threat of a subsequent attack by the Federov crime syndicate is very, very real. Oliver has earned himself a reputation as a cold, ruthless bastard, to the extent that even New Reno’s hardest thugs and killers are wary of him. And lastly, Mancini still wishes to speak with Redding. Maybe he’s offering something worth investigating? [/center]