[hider=T.H.] [center][h2][b]Louis Tulip[/b][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/96d2/f/2012/114/d/c/red_haired_guy_by_nanoless-d4xfau1.png[/img][/center] [center] Name: Louis Tulip Alias: TH (Tickling Healer) Age: 18 Nationality: Chinese w/ a mix of American and French Occupation: Nano-Machine Specialist & Genetic Modification Team: Anya Abilities: Due to his specialty being in Nano-Machines and Gene Mods, T.H. learned ways of healing people even faster than Mercy can on the battlefield though puts him in even more perilous situations than most. However, those perilous situations can be turned into opportunities if he gets the chance to sneak around enemy lines... Neutral Ability: Supplication of Machines Nano-Machines help T.H. greatly but he can only have so much on his body at a time. That's why to recover his supply of those little machines, he has to either avoid combat as his body works on creating more or grab medical kits to modify into vials of Nano-Machines. Weapon Ability: Tickle Hands When T.H. has a large supply of Nano-Machines or even a small amount, his expertise in Gene Mods has even let him modify his hands to heal those he is tickling...however it does take up some of his Nano-Machines over time. Also, the target and himself are able to move while doing this, but he has to be very close to them for him to touch and the aim of the target will be less accurate than usual due to him being somewhat ticklish to the target. The healing done though is more boosted than most. Weapon Ability 2: Tickle Hands Those who T.H. considers a threat, his tickles become deadly. And by deadly, those he tickle are basically stunned from laughter. This takes up more Nano-Machines than healing but does require his absolute attention as he stuns/tickles the hell out of his target. However, he has to be on an angle the opponent/target can't see him, then this ability is able to function. This move does no damage but does immobilize a single target. Special Ability 1: Yoink T.H.'s Gene Mods let his hands or body in general quickly adjust to practically any weapon. So when he is close enough to touch a person, his Nano-Machines are able to temporarily form the weapon the target was using for T.H. to use. If the weapon has ammunition, he's only able to use half a magazine of the weapon. If the weapon does not have ammunition, he's only able to use it for about 6 seconds. However, these weapons must be human-sized weapons, not overly large cannons that are attached to vehicles for example. This ability takes up almost an entire 1/5 of his supply of Nano-Machines. After the weapon becomes unable to be used, T.H. goes back to using his Tickling Hands. Special Ability 2: Working On It! T.H. is able to keep up his Nano-Machines all the time. His use of them can lead to pretty bad scenarios so he makes sure he brings a small bag of tools with him on the go. When this ability is in use, T.H. sits down and his regeneration of the Nano-Machines increase rapidly as he tries his best to increase the amount he currently has. However, any type of damage or ability will stop him from doing this process. Ultimate Ability: Mind If I Head In? Temporarily forcing one to do one's bidding is hard...well depending on the amount of Nano-Machines one has, can't be too hard? When T.H. is high up in energy and can launch this ability, he has to be still very close to his target. After doing so, the amount of fuel he has to temporarily have control over someone depends on his supply of Nano-Machines he had before starting the control. This lasts till he is completely drained of resources and his own body is defenseless. Though when in Control Mode, his body does harden a bit to defend itself from outside attacks. Any ability that stuns T.H. himself, not the one he is controlling, can easily nullify his Control Mode. Biography: Time consumes everything. And by everything, it literally means everything. Empires, kingdoms, cities...even down to objects and can never forget, people. There were those who tried to withstand the powers of time, those people who tried to make robots that can last for eternities. Well, the Tulip Family was one of those families that dared to defy time. Each one of them, from the beginning of their youth, were forced to learn about all Science subjects and master a category. Louis was not only the oldest of the sons of his family but the prodigy who was so close to figuring out how to stand a chance against the passage of time. However, his experiments led to a deadly virus that he was only able to stop from spreading by injecting himself with his research. Now unable to complete the research and shunned from his family for wasting resources and time...Louis looks for a new calling in life. Now with the calling to defy time was over, the call for Deltawatch arose in the current-day. Now was the time for him to make everyone less fortunate to have a grand and joyful present, while defying the drastic future known as tomorrow. Personality: Quite the comedian and by that his jokes make no sense if not are very bad puns. Despite constantly making jokes, it's a way to hide his real fear of making another grave mistake like how he did in his past. Therefore, he jokes around 24/7 even if the situation means his death. The only time he suddenly gets so serious is when his past is brought up...other then that, his mind is constantly trying to generate as many bad puns or jokes as possible while also trying to create plans or solutions to current problems he is facing. [/center][/hider]