[center][h2][u]Old Friends Reunited[/u][/h2][b]Part One[/b] [sub]A collab between [@Subject Zero] & [@FuzzyBootz][/sub][/center] As Amara paced around the med bay of the Nyx, she checked and rechecked the medical supplies several times. It didn't matter that she had just checked that I.V fluid a minute ago, she was still going to check it again, pace around a little but mre and check it again. She wasn;t really worried about there being a shortage of supplies. Especially afters checking several times. She was just antsy to get going. The crew of the Nyx were about to be the first humans to set foot on this planet and it felt like she had been waiting a lifetime for the ship to leave. Several of the crew hadn't even shown up yet, which confused the hell out of Amara. After a while, she decided to go see if any of the mission crew were hanging around the hanger. She made her way back through the ship, giving several of the crew a haf hearted salute as she went. When she made it to the the entrance ramp, she stopped halfway down to see who was around. She didn't see any of the missing people on her list and grumbled under her breath. It only took Mackenzie about twenty minutes to arrive at the hangar bay that housed the Nyx. She didn’t know much about the ship, but what she did know came from her father’s notes. They were stored in the system servers, and once she had gained entrance into the Project she couldn’t help herself from poking around. Some things were easily accessed and others were not. Not all of it had made sense to her and he had been involved in so many things it was hard to keep track of them all. The Nyx, however, was a special case. She remembered the days he would spend in his study working on what she assumed were the designs for the Nyx’s weapons systems. When she finally entered the hangar Mackenzie stopped and took a moment to appreciate the Reaper Class ship. It was then that she noticed a familiar face among the un-expectantly sparsely occupied hangar. “Well Hot damn, Martian, aren’t you a sight in a dust storm” Mackenzie smirked and waved as she approached her childhood friend. As Amara turned to see who had addressed her, she narrowed her eyes to focus on the woman approaching but they quickly widened as she realized who it was. “Holy Phobos!” she proclaimed. “Kenzie!?” An odd feeling rushed over her then. She thought her old friend was dead. She was supposed to be aboard the Citadel and that ark hadn't even made it off of the planet before the devastators had arrived. Amara thought for sure she was dead with everyone else left behind. Seeing her here now, in front of her made her happy but was also a painful reminder of everyone who had died. Still, her friend was here and in this moment, her happiness outweighed her sorrow. With a smile now planted squarely on her face, she made her way down the Nyx's boarding ramp to meet Kenzie. She grabbed her by the shoulders and looked her over, just to make sure she was real and the stress of the past few days hadn't just driven her insane. Confident that she wasn't a hallucination, Amara wrapped her arms around Kenzie and pulled her into a hug. An honor Amara reserved for very few people and on even fewer occasions. A childhood friend apparently coming back from the dead seemed like one of those occasions. “How are you here?” she asked as she pulled out of the hug but kept hold of Kenzie's upper arms as though she would float away if she let go. “I thought you were supposed to be on the Citadel.”