[hider=Part Two][center][IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/44/bf/e4/44bfe4a72573c143d53414944b7c8382.jpg[/IMG][/center] “Oh, yeah! Suck it, dickbag!” this game was [b]the shit[/b]. Vicky knew it was a bad idea to play on her hardcore characters at work, the internet was spotty and sometimes just cut out in the parking lot, and one death from interweb shittiness and it was all over for dragintrixhxc3 the Demon Huntress. It usually cut out in the morning, anyway, this time of day most people were just starting to go home, and besides, she hadn’t had any real problems since she insisted on changing shifts after dragintrixhxc2 had gone the way of the dodo thanks to day service assholery. Mouse and mouse indicator flying in perfectly synchronized unison, the kind that only comes from hundreds of hours spent in front of a monitor, more clicks per minute than there were seconds by double at least, a half full, she was an optimist, double gulp of Plateau Dew, which she didn’t care what you said was hands down the best standalone soda, booze mix, and caffeine booster ever devised, and to top it all off that weird guy who worked the day shift had bought doughnuts from that place in Midtown, the one with the sprinkles and bacon and fancy homemade syrups and stuff drizzled generously on top of the cake doughnuts, and had left her a few when they switched out for the day. They were still pretty fresh, and only a little iffy for having come from him, well within her stranger danger parameters, --, he seemed more dorky loser who went to prom with his cousin then mess with food and give it to girl he’s super lamely, obviously crushing on. Plus, she had tickets to the Panic! show, with special guest Pete Wentz, tomorrow! She almost spilled her drink on her laptop after having a total loser mini spasm in excited remembrance of that particular fact. They were cheap, and she got those close seats on the sides of the stage beyond the barriers because of her leg. “Suckers, just ‘cause it’s metal and plastic doesn’t mean I couldn’t have seen from the chairs past the floor,” f#$%, she could have danced around in the pit with the rest of the asshole kids in grown up bodies who would still go see Panic! at the Disco and the bassist from Fall Out Boy these days. I mean, her doctor’s wouldn’t recommend doing that, but shit, she played basketball with the boys wearing this same thing, what’s a pit compared to those assholes shooting semi-fair, beat-em-up hoops? They didn’t give two shits that she was maimed or half their size, either. Plus she was in the Panic! fan club, so they would have a thing with Brendan backstage, get pics and autographs and shit, and you just know Pete’s gonna poke up and do some stupid shit to mess with Brendon. She was gonna wear one of those Wounded Vets baseball caps, and make sure they could all see her leg, so when Pete poked up he’d just have to take a pic with her when she asked, casually toss the hat, take a cute as shit pic, and be golden fer hella days. Maybe he’d even talk to her for a bit, out of whatever that shit civvies do around vets is, guilt or something she supposed. [i]Fuck that, dude, I just wanted free school, I’m no hero[/i], but Vicky sure as shit would take advantage to get to Pete Wentz. There was static coming over the handheld, followed by someone yelling at someone about something, didn’t matter. They were all on the same frequency, the security people, including the ones like her who spent their days valiantly manning the f#$%ing parking lot ticket booth. The day shift kid always left the thing on, she always flicked it off, well, more accurately turned the volume down super low, which she did without a second thought. Yeah, she’d get in trouble if she got caught doing it, but seriously? They had never once called over to the parking lot booth person. She doubted any of the middle management security people even knew her name, probably just called her, “Wobbly,” or something to differentiate between her, the morning guy and the night guy, Drippy and Droopy. Assholes. I mean, there was a callsign they were supposed to respond to, ‘South Lot Booth Four,’ it was written in big ass bold letters right in front of their shared chair in case they forgot, but seriously she’d been here near on a year and the only contact she had with any supervisor was when she called to say she was starting her shift. Beep. Vicky hit the button, without looking up, like she always did. I mean, why she even needed to hit a button to put out a ticket she couldn’t say, what, was someone gonna roll up into the parking lot in a car that said, “Don’t let me in, I’mma cause trouble for y’all peeps?” There was literally nothing that could pull in that would make her not hit the damn button. This particular vehicle, some rumbly motorcycle from the sound of it, pulled forward a few feet and stopped at her window. It stayed there a few seconds, too, someone she knew? She looked up. It was a big, badass custom thing, all midnight blue with LEDs, real pretty, and its driver was some woman, definitely a woman, in a full body getup that matched the bike, helmet included. The driver put down the kickstand, and took off her helmet, some Asian chick she didn’t recognize, cute pink haircut, real punky, really stood out against all that blue. She opened the window, “Yeah?” didn’t mean to sound as curt as she had, but I mean, she was in the middle of something and it wasn’t normal for someone to want to talk to her on this end of things. She must want to turn around or something. “Diablo?” the driver asked. “Uh, yeah,” wow, that chick must have hella good eyes. The driver pointed to the picture she left on the desk, make it seem more like home. “I was at Davison,” no shit? This chick games, and she served? “Add me, it’s victory belladonna zero, one word, no caps,” sure she’d add her, what a coinky dink, right? “Sure dude,” she turned back to the laptop and started typing. Just as she did she saw the light on her panel was blinking, the one that means you’re supposed to lockdown the site. [i]Must be something going on[/i], she turned back to victorybelladonna0 and saw a blaster barrel in her face. [/hider]