[@Gowi] Okay, what if someone decides they want to be a 'defender' to start with, but later on decide they want to play more offensively if they're not satisfied with the 'class?' I assume/hope they'd be able to change that play style to adjust accordingly some manner, through gaining skills/abilities with their desire for such a change? Trade their sword and shield for a lance, for example? And still have the abilities to use said weapon? And what I mean by complicated, is that how would one even begin to keep up with all these achievements/skills/ranks and whatnot? There are a [i]lot[/i] of things like that out there, that the list could get comically long and keeping up with them would eventually become a hassle. Plus, how would we clearly RP out such levels of skills/ranks and whatnot? How would it inherently 'increase' what you are able to do and how would we quantify that fairly in an RP? Also, that achievement system seems incredibly...silly. It would reward achievement hunters, wouldn't it? What about people who don't particularly care for such things? I personally, would hardly care about such arbitrary achievements. I know some people do, but to penalize those who don't, seems odd.