[quote=@Damiann47] Well I'm interested, it sounds pretty different from your standard VRMMO RP so far, I'll at least be keeping tabs on this. Anyway about the whole talk with preset guilds I think makes complete sense from a game's perspective. In MMOs today there are sometimes starter guilds you automatically start in, they're nice for getting to know the community and get some help when learning how to even play. I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work here, sure this is all actually a RP in reality, but I don't think its a bad thing to build it as if it were a MMO. Guess the difficult part is trying to balance MMO elements and RP ones. I get a feeling I don't completely understand what's the topic of discussion, but hey wanted to get my two cents out there. [/quote] Any two cents are valuable as long as they are constructive and helpful, so don’t be bothered by it all too much. And yes, I suppose it is a bit difficult to properly balance the two— and many people want different directions which is why I made this a discussion in the first place; especially when a lot of the ideas are in their infancy. The dynamic of roles and affiliation/guilds/factions are certainly the most vital ones that need a lot of work, and I understand that. My idea going forward with the affiliation system is it gives a good central resource hub, learning center, and basic community to a reality that is all so wondrous and new to newcomers. If I went with a guildless system wouldn’t that effectively give the player absolute no guidance? I don’t know, maybe I liked Familia Myth way too much!