One moment, Cam rushed over to join Abby. The next, a man's voice echoed her call. Ignoring the chill running up her spine, Abby quickly peered around the corner and made eye contact with the bloodied miscreant who had been speaking. "He looks more dangerous than I ever was," she muttered in response to the little girl's words. "A lunatic and a pack of killer children. I think I've had more than enough of this place. Let's go." She strode farther into the alley, unable to ignore the trembling of her hands. What kind of idiot would put [i]her[/i] on babysitting duty? Not only did she have no clue how to deal with children, but she wasn't even a nice person. "I have no idea where the others are. Hopefully they've escaped from this place by now, because that's exactly what I intend to do," said Abby, emerging onto another street and quickly weaving her way through the crowd, craning her neck in search of some sign that they might be near the edge of town. "Do you know that man?" she asked. [i]Cam[/i]. That was what he had been calling. That was [i]Abby's[/i] nickname for her companion. How had this guy figured it out? Had he been lurking in the shadows while she had been searching and heard it from her own mouth? The thought gave her goosebumps. "Do you have any idea where we are?" she asked, "I'm starting to miss that awful room..."