Celestian Andromedai quickly glanced over at Inquisitor Icarus when Ansgar had inquired about any new information that could be shared. There was a moment of silence before Inquisitor Icarus decided to share the information that specialist Flores had briefed them on. [color=6ecff6]“Celestian Andromedai and myself were informed about the presence of Grey Knights in the system. I have no doubt we will be meeting with them sometime during or after our investigation. Once the rest of our retinue awakens, they will also be informed of the Grey Knight presence. I must take my leave now to prepare for our arrival, you are dismissed.”[/color] With that, Inquisitor Icarus turned after left both Ansgar and Andromedai to themselves, quickly vanishing around a corner. Turning to face Ansgar, Andromedai quickly glanced over the Death Korp Trooper then motioned for him to walk alongside her. [color=ed1c24]“The fact that Inquisitor Icarus handpicked you to join her retinue says quite a bit about your talents and skills as a Death Korp Trooper. I managed to get a good view at your profile before you arrived on ship and I will admit that you have proven yourself to be more than the common fodder that we toss upon the enemies of man. Have you considered being more than a Death Korp Trooper? Your skills, talents and past achievements have opened many new paths for you to serve the emperor in.”[/color] [12 Hours later…] The voice of Inquisitor Icarus came over the ships coms once more, this time ordering her retinue to report to shuttle bay [A31] immediately for departure. Andromedai was the first member to show at the shuttle bay, unsure why the Inquisitor had ordered them to her side while they still had another eleven hours of travel. When the Celestian brought up this question, Icarus was quick to inform her that the computer had made an incorrect calculation, that did not sit well with Andromedai. [color=ed1c24]"An error of that size should bring concern to everyone on this ship. Regardless, I will be in my seat within the Aquila Lander if you need me."[/color] Opening the door to the shuttle, Andromedai stepped inside and took her set, buckling herself in before safely securing her equipment.