I don't usually look at the off-topic section let alone post (This I think being my first time ever in like 4 years of the guild) however I have been looking a lot at the Crimean/Ukrainian situation and decided to say something I guess. --- I would say this is typical realpolitik positioning by both sides. the Ukrainian people revolted against a corrupt government (yes there is an alarming presence of far-right extremists, but most seem to be the usual bunch of people), Putin got pissed that his naval base and sphere of influence was in danger so moved forward, the EU-US jumped on board to get as much advantage out of the situation as possible (Alternatively, to make sure Putin gets the least out of this as possible). From my point of view, this is a internal civil matter concerning the Ukrainian economy and people that has been hijacked by both sides to continue the usual Eurasian Geopolitical Strategy (Before UK vs Russian Empire, now US and EU vs Russia and China). I don't think it'll lead to WW3, Thermo-nuclear war or anything like that(Unless everyone goes crazy and China decides to join in). It could lead to a second cold war(If you don't think its already started), though I personally think it'll take a few more twists for that to actually happen. Worst Case Scenario: Russia either decides to go full on and calls bluff on Obama's sanctions (red line, etc) or a third party that has no idea what its doing (West Ukrainian/Right Sector/etc, etc etc or East Ukrainian pro-Russians) does something and Putin (Or even Ukraine, which is starting to get a little jumpy) uses it as an excuse to engage. Best Case Scenario: The conflict stops here and either the EU or China mediates something. It is unlikely to return to status quo, I think we've gone past that point. Most Likely Scenario(OPINION): Putin continue's to hold East Ukraine. --- I know my opinion is just that, an opinion, and I say that because I know taking this view of any political situation is generally considered bad. I apologize for being cynical and probably wont say much more (if anything at all), I actually sat here for a while contemplating if I should even post this opinion. Thank you and stuff! *Runs back to NRPing*