[@Nallore][@Caits] [center] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1lww6q5Gw1qg22hlo1_1280.jpg[/img] [color=magenta] [h3]Othello[/h3] [/color] [/center] [hr] Othello watched her study him from behind his sunglasses. He tilted his head as he watched her seem to know something was wrong with him. Some people could figure it out quickly....others either didn't care or couldn't tell. He felt his walls slam up as if to ward off the knowledge and slipped off his glasses. Purple eyes staring back at Jamie. He gave a small smile and before he could go much further a very angry beeping sounded prompting him to give a sigh. He pulled a water bottle from his bag along with his pills and took one. The watch then seemed to settle down....upon further inspection of the 'watch' one could see it didn't really manage time. Rather it monitored Othello. Anytime his condition acted up it beeped. Kind of like an inanimate service pet. He then took her hand and lightly kissed it. [color=magenta]"Othello. It is very nice to meet you"[/color] he looked at the blonde that she was talking about and chuckled. [color=magenta]"I am certain she is the one I ran away from. Nasty thing isn't she"[/color] he then smiled slightly. [color=magenta]"Seems to be my day to meet beautiful women"[/color] small wink. He then looked up at the new woman and nodded. [color=magenta]"It would seem this forced vacation may not be quite so bad."[/color]