Hello all! How's everyone doing on this fine Monday? I'm brand new here, and by brand new I mean I just discovered this place like 20 minutes ago and I have to admit it seems to be one of the better places for forum roleplay this planeswalker has ever seen [s]not that I've done a whole shittonne of forum roleplay but whatever[/s]. I've been RPing for a few years now and I'm always looking for new partners for new things and for new stories! Here's some things that I enjoy: [list] [*]Original stories [*]Fullmetal Alchemist [*]RWBY [*]The Elder Scrolls [*]Fantasy, fantasy, fantasy (including but not limited to: sci-fi fantasy, dark fantasy, and modern fantasy) [*]Grimdark modern i.e. Vampire the Masquerade [/list] If anyone wants to do anything feel free to hit me up at any time!