[hider=Farxus] [b]Name:[/b] Farxus, The Unholy War God. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/66/2e/32/662e327ddc9e9b35b2756cd2ee628085.jpg[/img] [b]Domains:[/b] Unholy, Rebirth, War, Decay, Joy [b]Realm:[/b] Farxus's home realm realm is called 'The city of the Dead' and much like the name suggests the whole realm seemed to be a strange mixture of a large city that was made by a combination of many different cultures and a crypt. While one would consider it to be a somber and dark place, it is in fact surprisingly colorful with a somewhat festive feel to the air. Grand celebrations are thrown often by the inhabitants, inspired by and often recreated from such festivals that were created in the mortal realm. [b]Personality:[/b] Farxus is a surprisingly warm deity, more then happy to sit down and have a quiet chat with his siblings over a cup of tea anytime that they desire; One cannot help but feel like Farxus is always privately amused by something but he will never tell anyone exactly what he seems to find so funny. Out of all his siblings through, he seems to have a special place in his heart for his brothers Kurai and Sol... in that he seems dedicated to spiting the both of them in highly creative ways to get on their nerves, but never once abandoning his 'loving brother' attitude towards them. He also offers an afterlife in his realm of the City of the Dead to mortals, but unlike his brothers he doesn't truly care for concepts such as 'Good' or 'Evil' and he isn't prone to judging the souls that he takes on. All that he asks of them is that they under go the rituals of joining his church and their position is secure. [b]Demeanor:[/b] Faxrus gives off something of a... mixed signal to mortals. While there is something about him that easily sets the hairs on the back of your neck on edge, one also cannot help but feel that he is on their side and would have their back through thick and thin. [b]Favored Subjects:[/b] Philosophers, Scientists, Solders, Politicians. [/hider]