[hider=Dearden, God of Beasts] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/e11e/f/2011/077/9/6/bull_elk_by_benwootten-d3bxtwe.jpg[/img] Name: Dearden, God of Beasts. King of the Wild. The Animal Divine. The Elk God. Appearance: Dearden only takes the form of a large Elk, with symbols that seem to shimmer. Domains: Animal Life, Creation, Wild Places, Anima Mundi, Reservation Realm: Dearden has no specific realm he truly calls home, but all of which encompasses the wilds of the Mortal Plane. He treads were mortals seldom go or have not made their own. Usually, if you are lucky, you can find him in deep forests or secluded meadows living in harmony with nature. Personality: Dearden is a complicated individual who rarely seeks out his siblings unless they do something that he does not approve off. He loves some of them more then he does others but truly only cares for the anima mundi of the mortal plane. He is a stout protector of the wild realms and would do anything to protect them within reason. He knows that mortals depend on his aspect and lets them go about their business unless they recklessly take and never give anything back. Demeanor: Dearden's demeanor is difficult at best. He only cares for mortals who respect the nature that surrounds them. As such, he can give off either a strong sense of hostility to anyone who threatens his natural realm or one of extreme serenity. To betray his trust is almost certainty going to be a bad thing to those he does not deem worthy of forgiveness. Favored Subjects: Animal Kind, Guardians of Nature, Druids, and those that call Nature a friend. [/hider]