[quote=@Ailyn Evensen] I'm guessing fluff is gamer slang for people who love games like CoD or the likes that have zero plot or captivating story? My overall point to no one in particular is: I thought a story was to be written here?[/quote] [quote=@Thecrash20] Actually its slang made by salty vet Warhammer 40k players(such as myself back in the good 'ole days) cause all that good shit about Space Marines moving so fast they dodge bullets wont save your models from being roflstomped by my Hive Tyrant. I took the quote straight from 1d4chan, a satire wiki for 40k and Role playing games in general. Not surprised no one here has heard the term or its meaning before. Now on to the more important topic at hand. Dude the Cod 4 remake is lit. Tried it yet? [/quote] This is the reason why I keep warning people about not using slang if they're not certain the other side knows the meaning behind it -- all it does is ends up creating needless misconceptions and bickering. I really don't care about all this urban language at all, and it's hardly my fault if I don't understand it. With that said, Ailyn (my fiancé, just for the record -- we actually know each other) and myself have no interest in CoD whatsoever, from a gameplay perspective or from a plot perspective. I don't need to try the game -- a ten minute look on Wikipedia would likely be all it takes to have an idea of what the storyline entails, but I honestly don't have enough interest to go and look it up. There's nothing wrong with people liking the series, but me and her simply don't consider it storytelling. I don't have any interest in Warhammer either -- this doesn't mean there's a problem with you liking it. Nevertheless, the main point stands that depth of setting is often more important than the role-play itself, since the details are the foundation from which the storyline is based off.