Ansgar cocked an eyebrow, surprise on his face which, Emperor be praised, was not visible except slight eye movement if one could pick it out through the eye sockets of his mask. Grey Knights, so soon after encountering them already? As he had been told during his numerous debriefs and purity checks, the Grey Knights were of some of the utmost secrecy, that the vast majority of the Imperium knew not of their existence. Even most of the esteemed Adeptus Astartes, their fellow Space Marines, knew not of their hidden brothers in arms. So to potentially stumble across them twice in such a short time span was bizarre to the Krieger. But, he did the Emperor's work, wherever he saw fit to send the Death Korp Grenadier, so he would not question encountering such figures more than once in his life. But, if the Inquisitor knew of the Grey Knights, then he could speak of them, what little he did know. Which mostly amounted to what he questioned aloud as the Inquisitor went and vanished, but prior to the Sister speaking. [color=1a7b30]"Grey Knights? Are they expecting some sort of daemonic uprising of that degree..."[/color] Ansgar fell in step with Andromedai as she began speaking on the fact that being handpicked for her retinue spoke volumes about his capabilities. Ansgar would normally be quick to counter that, considering all Grenadiers for the Death Korp received equal training and often times deployed into hellish scenarios where only one or two survived. Typically, the Grenadier are the men that lived too long, either dying as a Grenadier or living long enough to see battlefield promotion to more senior positions. If anything, the Krieger might concede he was exceedingly lucky, or blessed. But as she continued onto having gotten a look at his record, her mention of being more than Death Korp Trooper, something he didnt correct since outsiders rarely differentiated between Troopers, Grenadiers, and other ranks within the Korp, he gave it some thought. [color=1a7b30]"Such as, ma'am? The next logical step would be, from my posting of Grenadier, most likely an Inquisitorial Stormtrooper. You have other ideas?"[/color] [hr] Ansgar would have been engaging in a very common past time after finishing his conversation with Sister Andromedai to kill time between the call and when their conversation finished. He was fast asleep. The Krieger had propped himself up in a chair within his quarters, resting before all hell potentially broke loose planetside. When spending your life in a trench, huddled in a bunker if you were lucky to escape the miserable conditions that sometimes existed, one learned to be able to sleep just about anywhere at any time. After all, no one knew when a midnight assault might happen or a unspoken sortie would be mustered to catch the enemies off guard. So when the announcment sounded, rather early, Ansgar was up and moving like he had been awake the whole time. Sleep light, for you may not wake up otherwise. But, for many Kriegers, one of the least painful deaths would be in one's own slumber, never having heard the artillery shell coming in that collapsed their bunker before they knew what was happening. But, Ansgar heard not the comment from Sister Andromedai as he boarded the lander, strapping in without a word spoken. Once he stopped moving to get settled, one could forgive someone for mistaking him for asleep, dead, or just a pile of equipment secured in place.