Luna looked back at Edward, and sent him a wink, [b]"sometimes Ed, you gotta do the crazy thing. Besides, I can't let her get hurt can I? Thibk how she'd be!"[/b] she smiled, no malice in her tone however, too serious for the moment, letting herself gravitate towards Armas and Edward, feeling comfortable in their presence, she decided that if she had to trust anyone, let it be Armas-he'd proven he already had her back, and Edward-she just liked him. She hadn't been merely joking about Constance-she was already annoying she didn't think she could stand the woman hurt, having to look after her. She also figured that if she was going to die, she wouldn't do it sitting around a fire. If that noise was going to kill them, then she'd try and kill it. Go down fighting, right? [b]"oh, Ed sometimes you have to have a little risk. Really, after the ring this seems quite tame, don't you think?"[/b] or maybe she was just crazy. She wouldn't be surprised after everything. As they walked, Luna glanced about them, strangely unafraid for the moment. As Edward tripped, Luna started to his side, carefully choosing where she placed her feet, seemingly taking his swears in stride-people in pain often came up with the most creative ways of combine swears. She knelt by Edward, glancing over him from head to toe, checking for any obvious signs of injury, she glanced about at Edwards words, [b]"oh well because that isn't spooky"[/b] she said, trying to defuse the tension, Luna turned back to Edward, ready to check him over, she tensed at the sudden noise, and she shifted at once, crouching over Edward, her hand curled over a stone as if she could fight with that-she only knew how to defend herself-more intent on guarding Edward then doing any damage to whatever caused the noise. At the weird speech, Luna frowned. And rubbed her temples, she sighed. This could all be a trick in itself, but if it was someone that was on the ship, then they couldn't just let them be harmed. She blinked, looking back at the others, her hand still curled around the stone, she rose smoothly, and started towards the voice, where the man was being dragged around. She hoped the others would follow her. She didn't want to face whatever it was alone. Maybe she was taking this whole save life thing too seriously. Yet she found that she couldn't go against her nature. She drew in a few deep breaths, and continued forward. She was scared. But she couldn't let someone be killed, not if she could help it. Gods help her, she was a fool. [i]please, let them come with me[/i]