[img]http://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/78/590x/All-seeing-eye-VGER-the-ultimate-hyper-intelligent-being-from-1979-Star-Trek-movie-573480.jpg[/img] Name: Nous, The Librarian Appearance: Depends on the culture, tends to appear as something containing knowledge, such as a book. Rarely takes a humanoid form, and when it does, it tends to borrow the form of one of its followers. Domains: Mind, Soul, Magic, Technology, Information. Realm: The Library, a vast realm, it has both physical and spiritual components, but very few have seen its physical form. those who mentally enter the library describe it as unending bookshelfs, strange creatures roam the halls, most of the books are in another language. Those who can translate these books into new languages are rewarded. Some creatures spent their entire lives in the library, feuding over organizational systems. Personality: Nous considers the other gods as brash and irresponsible, it prefers the company of mortals over gods (with a few exceptions), Demeanor: Most of those that interact with Nous are curious or knowledgeable, those that interact with it usually see layed out before them vast amounts of information that they are not quite able to make out, further driving curiosity. Favored Subjects: Its agents are many, They aren't necessarily favored, but they have studied the archives of the library and gained some of Nous wisdom and soul. Most of its subjects are mystics and scholars.