[hider=Morgana the Cunning] [B]Username:[/B] Kafka Komedy [b]Character Name:[/b] Morgana "the Cunning" Doelzak [b]Race/Species:[/b] Human-Werewolf of Bania [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Career/Class:[/b] Spellsword/Frontline Tactician [b]Weapons:[/b] [list] [*] Hunting Spear [*] Iron Handaxe [*] Buckler [*] A silver throwing knife. [/list] [b]Physical Description:[/b] Morgana is a slightly short but otherwise averagely built human man. His short and shaggy black hair contrast heavily with his pale, almost beautiful face and bright blue eyes. His clothes easily identify him as Banian, though they've been modified for the hotter climate. His main article of clothing is a light black cloth robe with touches of animal furs and copper. It bears a patch showing his previous employment to the Scarlet-Gold Soldiers and is open to reveal his armor. Strapped upon his back is his spear and buckler, by his side is his hatchet and a holder for his scroll. [b]Armor:[/b] Studded leather chest piece, leather kneepads, and leather vambraces wrapped up in a furry robe. [b]Equipment/Other[/b][list] [*] A small scroll of beginner spells; A light telekinetic, healing, and rarely used fire spell. [*] A book of military stratagems, along with a small pencil. [*] Tent, along with a few days worth of dried and salted foods, and an animal skin full of water. [/list] [b]Mental Description/Personality:[/b] A disdain for his general situation has made Morgana fairly unresponsive. This is not to say he is apathetic, he really does care about people. His disgust for the concept of death should be evidence enough of that. A requirement on missions he takes is "as little death as possible," even if he has to reason with himself what exactly that means. Still, his indecisiveness has certainly harmed himself, and even once others on a Scarlet-Gold Soldier's mission. [b]Goals:[/b] Gain enough gold to escape his life of murder and settle down. [b]Background/History:[/b] [list] [*] Born as the only son of a small family in a town in Bania, at a young age Mor watched as a Banian beat a foreigner to death in a tavern fight where his mother worked. Ever since he had been deeply disgusted with the thought of killing another man, and has had a distaste for Banian culture. [*] Despite this his father, a warrior, wanted his son to follow the same path, and attempted to teach him in the ways of the spear and axe. Though Mor did decently, his father could tell he wasn't working to his full potential. Mor's father assumed Mor simply wasn't interested in combat, instead of being worried about the implications of wielding a weapon. So, Mor's father pulled some strings and got Mor a freelance magical teacher. Mor didn't have much magic within him, and still had some reservations about how his magic would be applied. After learning a few basic spells, Mor began thinking of a way to escape his murderous fate. [*]The idea he went with was simply running from his problems. Mor was not stupid or weak, however. Quickly, he realized he was being foolish, and started a trek home after a day or two on the road to tell his father how he felt. Unfortunately, he picked a bad day to make a journey. Although The full moon was high that night, Mor was quick to dismiss his culture's superstitions of werewolves. Though vampires were an obvious issue due to their craftiness, he had never even seen a werewolf, and there was only one night of the month they could attack. Still, this was the night one of them picked to make their presence known. As Mor was making camp for the night, a heavily injured werewolf burst through the tree line. Armed with just a hunting spear, Mor was surprisingly able to get on his feet and arm himself. That didn't help much, of course, considering he was dealing with a werewolf. It hesitated for just a second, before lunging at Mor. A quick thrust of his spear injured it, but the beast was having none of that, ignoring the pain and taking a large chunk out of Mor's arm with it's jaws. Before it could eat any more of him though. a werewolf hunter came out of hiding and threw a silver throwing dagger at the monster. This weakened and distracted the beast long enough for Mor to pierce it's heart. Eager to take out the rest of his marks, the werewolf hunter neglected to check if Mor was hurt, simply leaving the bitten boy to tend to his wounds and the fresh dead body. [*] Mor was distraught. Though it was obvious he was lucky to even be alive, let alone getting out of the situation with just a bite mark, Mor had just killed another man, the fresh corpse sitting in the snow. Shakily, he pulled the knife out and gave the man a proper burial. After, Mor let the reality of his situation set in. He had been bitten by a werewolf, and now had the curse. His town would surely kill him for his curse if he returned, they had no priest. His only chance of going back to his old life was to trek in a direction and pray the first village he hit would be able to cure him. He very quickly packed his things, and began to make his way through the forest in the direction the hunter had left. Of course, this was after he had killed and buried a man, after walking through forests for a day. He held out well, but sleep claimed him as early dawn broke. [*] Waking in the middle of the night, the new moon high, Mor realized he was not going to escape his curse. He could not return to his home, and in fact, it would be wise to leave Bania in general. At just the age of 15, Mor's new goal was to escape his country and flee to Andred for a new life. Doing various odd jobs, hunting, and moving from town to town, Mor slowly made his way across the country. All the while he began to try and actively understand and control his werewolf side Eventually, he reached his destination. [*] Of course, his only real skills were that of murder. He had light combat experience, light magical experience, and light survival experience. But he was just 17, it was still a possiblity for him to become someone's apprentice or assistant. Luckily, a single woman took an interest in him. Miss Fontaine was the leader of a small mercenary corps, and took a bit of an interest in Mor. In exchange for becoming her assistant, and occasional flirting, Mor began learning the tricks of the trade in being smart in a fight and commanding soldiers. [*] For years, the two worked together, Mor displaying a natural talent for memorizing and creating new tactics. The small company became reasonably known around Andred as good, the Scarlet-Gold Soldiers. Eventually, Mor and Miss Fontaine parted ways when, after a particularly untoward advance, mentioned the company was going to be traveling to Bania. Fearing his past would come back to haunt him, Mor left the company and began searching for greener pastures. If only there was a mercenary company that needed an assistant tactician... [/list] [/hider]