The RP may go slow at times, real life can be a cruel mistress. But have no fear! As long as we all continue to show devotion, this RP will thrive. I've honestly been a bit busy myself, as likely prior stated. Yet, in between this busyness and slow-going RP'ing. I've been creating character sheets and plot for concepts which I already have in my noggin. [i](Along with developing new ideas.)[/i] So, a friendly reminder, feel free to use active PM's with me [i](Or create new Pm's)[/i] to also develop plot goodness or even clarify/develop character backstory and future ideas! Just felt the need to take this time to explain all this, so no one continues to wonder why i'm always simply lurking in the shadows [i](Cause i feel i tend to do that quiet more than I should >.<)[/i]