Following Kili's gaze to her cloak, Saeril couldn't help but give a small smile at it. "Yes it is. But not by me", she softly answered him, just before she heard Dwalin yell for him from the dining hall. Giving an heartfull chuckle, the she-elf stood up from her sitting spot easily, and slowly beginning to go to the dining room. "Coming?", she asked simply, stopping for a moment. She chuckled again at his questions. He could do this all night. It was all he was good at: his innocent curiousity. Fili was already looking around for Kili, trying to figure out where his little brother might have gone. Where was he? Walking cautiously to the room of the hearth, he could already hear voices half of the way there. The blonde walked around the corner, and caught sight of his brother with what seems to be a very bizarre female elf. "Kili?"