[center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/82568849/large.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [i]Anxiety[/i] this is what the whole situation felt like. Voices of me constantly speaking going over what I'm going through. Telling my things that I've already said and there is no correct solution to my problem. Wish... everything was more clear and defined in a way. I want to go home and forget that this was happening but no. I won't do that. I've built up too far to go back down now. I don't want to let my dad down. He depends almost everything on me and I feel as if I should resent him for that but I don't. He's my father and I should be proud that I have one. [center][b]I... I don't know what to think anymore. [/b][/center] [hr] Aryn sat in his dad's car. Fingers intertwining as he nervously pulls against his thumb. He bites his lip impatiently waiting to arrive at the HQ. "Nervous? " He nods, "Don't be! I've met with the staff, they're great! I'm sure you'll be able to fit right in. " His dad was optimistic as always. The rest of the ride was one-sided, though, Aryn enjoyed that his father filled the silence along the way it felt comforting to know that his father really did care. Before he knew it the car had abruptly stopped. The cold breeze filled his lungs as he stepped out. His scarf flying over to his side as his dad wobbles out of his seat, "You'll do great out there. I promise. " His dad patted Aryn's head, "Also. There is an extra inhaler in your bag just in case you lose your other one and don't forget to eat because you usually do and don't forg- " Aryn exhaled deeply, taking in the cold air smiling at his father, "I'll do my best. I promise dad. " He nodded, patting his father's shoulder and then made his way into the building. The halls were slick and clean. Pictures of famous Overwatch members were displayed on some of the walls, some including, Mercy and Torbjorn. He'd never really thought of his 'heroes' anymore when training started. He was too focused on doubting and self-deprecation and didn't have the time to think of who he had looked up to. He'd grown up from that stage. His footsteps echoed in the hallway, he stared at the black scuff on his shoes and the way that his pants ruffled each time he'd taken. Aryn just wanted to go back home and rest easy but that was too 'selfish'. Aryn didn't want to turn out like his deceased grandfather, he didn't want to be a disappoint. Sometimes... he wished he could've said no. Aryn stopped suddenly his head perking up as he sees the door opened. He hid his frown as his eyes glided over to the two men he had seen at training. Specifically, he'd remember T.H. for attempting to tickle him and, Robin of whom was assigned as the leader of his current team. He waved and entered the room which had suddenly switched in temperature, smiling awkwardly towards the two as he stood by the door waiting for whoever was hosting the briefing session.