[hider=Medix] [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/e015/th/pre/f/2010/136/4/d/tf2__girl_medic_by_rtil.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Gertrude Viola [b]Alias:[/b] Medix [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Nationality:[/b] Polish [b]Occupation:[/b] Radiation Expert/Therepist [b]Team:[/b] Talon [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Neutral Ability:[/b] Gene Mods: She took part in an experimental Gene mods that allowed her to be healed from the Radiation residue even if it is harmful to others. So the more damage she causes or heals restores her own health. [*] [b]Weapon Ability:[/b] Radiation Guns: Medix uses a pair of guns that shoots radiation that can either heal allies or damage Foes over time. This weapon has a damage over time effect on enemies that last for five seconds after being sprayed by radiation. [*] [b]Special Ability 1:[/b] X-ray Mod: By modifying her healing radiation gun, Medix can shoot a temporary gene mod into an ally that allows them to see enemies within twenty meters even though walls. It lasts about 9 seconds [*] [b]Special Ability 2:[/b] Cancer Mod: By modifying her offensive radiation gun, Medix can debilitate a single enemy for 4 seconds, they are slowed, weaken and is too fatigue to use their abilities. (It's not really cancer just the symptoms) [*] [b]Ultimate Ability:[/b] Nuclear Fallout: By modifying her offensive radiation gun she sprays out a large fast acting radiation cloud that slows, weaken, and sicken enemies. It lasts about 7 seconds. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Medix is a stubborn, feisty, self-confident and determined young woman, who mocks her opponents openly whether she's winning or not. She is very temperamental, as during some moments she is calm and happy, and during others, she can explode into a rage and yell without any warning. But Medix is loyal to a fault, she understands the need for allies and teamwork and while harsh and demanding of her allies she is also as quick to praise and reward them for a job well done. For all her mocking and feistiness, she is honorable, she doesn't kill people who don't need to be kill and only kills people who do, and she never uses innocents as shields or bargain chips even when it would be for the best for her goals. She also has a lot of pride, if people call her out to fight she will, anything that wounds her ego will cause her to go berserk. [b]Biography:[/b] Gertrude was a simple girl from a simple family who was never expected to be anything important. The first thing she remembered is the talk of medical cat scans and Xrays when her father was dying of diseases. This memory triggered a flame within her to explore and learn these things so she could help her father in her own way. Gertrude was a brilliant child, she learned about radiation at a young age strange things for a child to learn about but she was nevertheless an expert on the topic. Her knowledge only expanded as she gotten older until one day she was one of the world's leading expert on it at the age of sixteen. but sadly her father died due to complications and she was left with only her mother who was also suffering from a disease she won't tell her about. One day on her eighteenth birthday while her mother laid on her bed in a coma with seemingly no hope of getting better a silver lining came to her. A group called Talon contacted her, saying they can keep her mother alive if she works for them and uses her radiation research to help them. She joined without a second thought. That was the last time she saw her mother, but she knows she' alive and that enough for her to stay on Talon's side for life. For the next ten years of her life, Gertrude trained her body to keep up with the demands of Talon and made a pair of weapons that could change the tide of any battle where it's used. But the only problem was that extended use of the guns causes radiation poisoning and some cases cancer before it could be canned, Gertrude volunteer that she could Gene mods to survive the radiation. After six months of grueling trials and injections, Talon finally found the perfect mod that not allows her to be immune to radiation poisoning but be in fact healed by it instead. After that happened Gertrude was forced on the battlefield where she became a massive asset to Talon who give her the name Medix. Ever since then she is a feared soldier of Talon. A worldwide feared Soldier who used to be a simple girl from Poland [b]Extra/Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrkzIN2eP0U[/youtube] [/hider]