[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/krev7SC.png[/img][/center][center][b]Aubrey Adkins[/b][/center][center][b]Pacific Point, California[/b][/center][center][b]late May (less than 1 Months Before IC Starts)[/b][/center] After I had been thrown into what must have been some sort of portal, I landed on a hard, cold cement floor. Once I had recovered from the fall, I realized that I was now in an interrogation room. After struggling for a few minutes to wiggle over to the nearest wall, I finally was able to prop myself up against it. Although I knew it would not work, I again tested the bonds that restricted my legs and arms. And when that failed, as expected, I started to wonder how I could escape. How could I get out of these bonds if I cannot break them with my superhuman strength? Then an idea hit me. Maybe, if I were to activate my power nullifier, the process that my body would undergo in order to make me look entirely human might at least free my legs. At least that would be a start. While I was trying to locate the ‘on’ button on the nullifier, the clicking sound of a shutting door made me snap my head up to see what or who had just entered the room. Sitting in front of me was a nine-tailed fox. Its gaze was locked on me, as if it were there to watch after me or something. [color=b22222]“Great, they even have a team pet.”[/color] I said aloud. “I’m [b]not[/b] the team pet.” I heard a woman’s voice speak in my head as the fox stood up on all fours and began approaching me. [color=b22222]“A fox that can talk inside my head is not any better.”[/color] Once the fox had gotten near me, its shape began to change. Some sort of red, orange, and yellow clothing began creeping up its front arm, which had what looked like a device similar to my nullifier. After a few seconds, the fox had transformed into a human, although she still had fox ears and the nine tails. From her appearance and the costume that she was wearing, I could tell this was the same girl who had opened the portal that teleported me here. Momentarily, the woman peered back towards the one-sided glass that probably shrouded the rest of the metahumans who had kidnapped me. Then she took hold of my mask and yanked it off. [color=b22222]“What the hell?”[/color] I cursed as she discovered my identity, or at least what my face looked like. “Um, guys.” Firefox said as she glanced back at the glass, “I think we have a problem. I don’t think this is that Black Widow villain.” [color=b22222]“Oh, I wonder what gave you that idea? Maybe my blonde pony-tail! Or my brightly colored costume! And aren’t respecting secret identities like one of the most sacred values of being a superhero? You can’t just go around unmasking people.”[/color] “Oh, its Vol!” I heard Talus’ voice as the metal man entered the room, who was followed by Odysseus, the Son of Osiris, and a third man who I never seen before. He towered above the others by at least a foot, if not more. But that was not what made this man stand out from the others. Instead, it was that he had an elephant-like face, much like how some of Doctor Diplodoc’s allies had animal-like heads. “Vol?” Firefox asked her teammate, “When have you seen her before tonight?” “Oh, ‘Siris and I saved her from some sort of tentacle sea monster thing a few days ago.” Talus explained, “I must not have been able to recognize her sooner because she’s less top heavy than I remember.” “Of all the possible reasons why you couldn’t recognize her, that’s the one you chose?” Firefox rolled her eyes at her teammate. “’Siris can back me up.” There was a short pause as their three other teammates turned their attention towards the Egyptian-themed, bird-headed man. [i]I am not going to humor you with that answer[/i], the Son of Osiris communicated telepathically. After he ‘spoke’, the Son of Osiris took his staff and tapped it against the floor. As soon as he did this, the bounds that had restrained me dissipated into the air. Once those bounds were gone, I sprung to my feet, snatching my mask out of Firefox’s hand and pulling back over my face. [i]I guess you’re free to go now.[/i] The Son of Osiris said in my (and I assume everyone else’s) head. [color=b22222]“You just want me to walk out of here as if nothing happened? You all just kidnapped me. What would stop me from turning you all in for kidnapping?”[/color] The man, who I had tried to incapacitate back on the rooftop, took a step forward in front of his other teammates before speaking. “Well, if you were to try to bring charges of kidnapping against us, we could easily out you as a metahuman.” [color=b22222]“You all seen my face, but you don’t know my name.”[/color] “Well, we technically have the right to face our accusers in courts, so that’s not a problem.” Odysseus responded to me, “And even if it were, the kid here could use his computer mambo jambo to find your identity.” “Let’s see.” Talus said as he must have been consulting a computer in his suit. “Searching through profile pictures and matching them with her face, it appears her name is Aubrey Adkins. And she’s a…oh my. I’m definitely saving [i]that[/i] picture to my hard drive.” [i]What we really mean is that we are sincerely sorry for trespassing on your privacy. Is there anything we could do for you?[/i] The Son of Osiris tried to get back control of the situation. “I know. Why don’t we invite her to join our little team! She matches the mythology theme that we’ve got running here. Plus, Kyra always complains about being the only girl on the team.” Talus proposed to everyone. “Really?” Firefox, whose actual name was Kyra, complained to Talus, “I thought we were supposed to only use handles here!” [color=b22222]“Welcome to the ‘my secret identity has just been revealed’ club.”[/color] [i]So, what do you say?[/i] [color=b22222]“Why would I ever join a group of people who just kidnapped me?”[/color] “It would be nice having another girl around here…” Firefox muttered in order to sway my opinion. [color=b22222]“Fine! But I’m not officially joining your band of super friends until after I decided that you all are not weirdos!”[/color]