I've already expressed my reasons for why I don't plan on participating much here. My characters are ultimately too 'broken' to be used outside of my own setting (which is built around actually balancing them) and I don't feel like wasting my time listening to people call what I post 'god-moding' just because they don't understand that the concept of overpowered or 'broken' is entirely [i]subjective[/i] to the setting. Alongside that, I don't really have time for a lot of role-playing anyway, given how multitasked I already am with my project. Really not a fan of ranking systems either, though since that's an optional feature here you can consider that reason a very distance third -- still not something I'd ever use. Not really a fan of the idea of gauging a duel off of a set number of posts, so I'm with [@ImportantNobody] on that. There was a time - once upon a dream - when I was planning on setting up a really elaborate arena forum for my project -- essentially all of the characters being registered would work under a single setting/verse/whatever and there'd potentially be some kind of storyline to go along with the battles and tournaments that took place in the forum, sort of like a fighting game in that sense. It never happened though -- before I had time to really make it happen I had to close up my forums for my own reasons. Perhaps someday. The battles could've taken place in a lot of locations due to how massive my project is -- there's even the possibility of fighting in an empty dimension.