Annelise gazed around the chaos that was now the Desperado, head still swimming with the events that had unfolded since she’d arrived in New Reno. She gazed from corpse to corpse and sighed, was this what life would be for her now – fucked up shootout after another until something went wrong and she was the one laying dying. She looked to the only other two people who seemed to be still standing cautiously, after all just because they’d been on the same side moments ago but she didn’t know if that would still be the case now. [color=steelblue] "Can you hand me that bottle, miss?" [/color] came the voice from the man she’d seen crash through a wall with one of the raiders moments ago. She stared at him for a few moments appraisingly. He had dark clothing and dark hair, but otherwise looked more ‘normal’ than anyone else she’d really seen yet... handsome even she considered. [color=steelblue] "Oh, and uh, nice shot." [/color] he added as he glanced at the remains of the raider woman she’d vaporized moments ago. The masked man chimed in “I would take that bottle to go friend, unless you desire burn scars…” before turning to Annelise “Thanks for the assist. Both of you. Now I need to go and give my employer some bad news” and with that he left with what looked to be the only survivor other than them. Suddenly again the weight of everything threatened to come crashing down over her, but she was determined not to break down again – she still needed desperately to rest and recuperate . Suddenly the bottle didn’t look like such a bad idea she thought as she took a few quick steps and snatched it up and examining the label as she didn’t recognise it. [color=DA70D6]“You were pretty... eh... impressive yourself”[/color] she shot back somewhat awkwardly before holding out the bottle to him. As he reached for it she jerked it upwards out of his reach and tried to smirk. [color=DA70D6]“So, is there anywhere is this town where we could drink this, preferably [i]without[/i] a bunch of psychotic fucks busting in the door and trying to kill us? Because I’m getting kind of tired of it”. [/color] She tried to speak lightly but the pressure of everything she was facing leaked into her voice, her lingering gaze though she didn’t intend it gave away that she was reaching the end of her endurance, that she in a roundabout way was asking for help.