Like I said, the very concept of something being overpowered or 'broken' is a matter of [i]subjectivity[/i]. Any of those powers you just listed - all of which are something I have and do work with, in fact I work with powers significantly [i]beyond[/i] those examples - are only 'unfair' when the opponent lacks something substantial enough to counter it with. Those hyper-specific counter powers exist, and subsequently the opposing characters lacking them is a problem with the setting/match-up, not a problem with the character who has that 'broken' ability. If you were to put a character with the power to manipulate fire or manipulate electricity up against characters from a setting composed entirely of 100% 'normal' people, those elemental manipulators automatically become 'broken' by default -- there's nothing a normal person can do to counter those things barring some sort of highly advanced technology (which would go against what I just said about them being 100% 'normal'). As I've mentioned numerous times on in various places online and offline, this is all a subjective situation. There's no such thing as a universally 'broken' character. I work with characters on a very high tier due to the depth and complexity of my project. There's nothing [i]wrong[/i] with choosing to do that, and it's not [i]wrong[/i] for me to have no interest in taking part in the arena forums due to feeling like I need to water myself down too much. When all is said and done, every role-playing duel I've had in the past that involved the sort of characters I enjoy using was perfectly balanced because my opponents were granted a similar tier of abilities to whatever I was using at the time, evening the playing field. Personally, I don't believe in banning powers; only banning bad match-ups. For every person who isn't going to be interested fighting against a powerful character, there's someone (like me) who has no interest role-playing a duel between characters of a weaker tier. Granted, the number of people who prefer the weaker tiers will outnumber those who prefer the stronger tiers, since high tier battles are actually difficult for most people to play [i]properly[/i].