The suspense was incredible. trembling with excitement, Kriang Sak thought about his last fight that didn't last very long against a larger opponent who usually just used his brute strength and on top of that, easily showed his weak points. He was not much of a challenge but with this atmosphere and this warrior, Kriang has yet to see, he hoped this fight would push him. He wanted to grow more, mature to a higher level. Smirking from the Endless warrior's words, Kriang tried guessing where this warrior was located. he was ready alright, clenching his fists until... As the arrows hurtled towards him, Kriang heard them coming from his 8 o' clock direction, spinning twice to his right to evade the first two attacks, getting an idea where this warrior was located. On nearly completing his second spin and realizing that this could turn into a long range fight, Kriang had something in mind to respond to that. Upon completing his spin, Kriang Sak brought his foot and leg up to kick in the air in the direction of Xing Yi but what happened next, he wanted to let the Endless warrior know that this was not going to be an easy fight. Upon kicking, Kriang Sak harnessed the power of the twin dragons from his Yantra tattoo to release a white, ki projectile, capable of slicing objects from his leg and foot. The attack flew in the direction towards Xing Yi, where Kriang Sak estimated where the Endless warrior was located, hoping to draw him out or to help him see his movement or interrupt his attack before he'd choose the action of pursuing him outright.