[centre][b][h1][color=f7941d]Jamie[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] [@DustyOldCrow][@canaryrose][@Vas Khaleen][@Kyrisse][@Venku][@King Tai][@Gareth][@Wick][@dabombjk][@BlackPanther][@Ashevelendar][@Shadow Daedalus] It seemed that Darius hadn't heard her, and maybe that was a good thing. Or not. She didn't know. Maybe didn't want to know. She didn't want to know if he blamed her or not. Didn't want to have to go through that. Didn't want to have to fight for every little inch again. But she knew if she was a better fighter...He wouldn't have to worry about her. Even as she heard Darius moving, she didn't look back, not wanting to see his face, and know that she was right, that this was over. She knelt, and picked up one of her arrows, knowing that she should try and find what ones could be salvaged, but finding a surprising lack of motivation to do so. She could make more. She had her sword, dagger and knife. That was all that matter to her. She clutched the arrow tightly, bowing her head. Just do it. Better to know, then to suffer wondering. [color=f7941d]"I'm sorry"[/color] She said again, sure he could hear this time, [color=f7941d]"You shouldn't have to worry about me in a fight"[/color] She rose, still holding the arrow, and drawing in a breath, she turned to face Darius. She wanted to kiss him. To simply feel the beat of his heart, and know that he was truly okay. She knew that that probably wouldn't be something he'd want, at least for his assassian image. Oh, fuck it. Jamie closed the distance, moving fast despite her exhaustion, and kissing him deeply, fully, Almost like nothing she'd ever done before, just thankful they were alive. That he was. She didn't care if the whole camp saw the different way she kissed him, not taunting him, but tender. Caring. Loving. She broke away after what seemed like an eternity. [color=f7941d]"Yeah. Still alive."[/color] She let out a breath, and went to step away, knowing she should collect what arrows she could. She only had a limited supply of arrow heads.