[center] [img]http://media.gettyimages.com/videos/wasteland-at-night-natural-abstract-background-video-id487253398?s=640x640[/img] [i]Somewhere, deep within the windswept landscape of Post-War California, an old radio crackles to life. With a jolt and a whir, a spark that was extinguished centuries ago flares back into being, and the soothing voice of Jo Stafford drifts over the bombed-out husk of the valley. [b]‘See The Pyramids Along the Nile Watch the sun rise On a tropic isle Just remember darling All the while You belong to me’ [/b] Out of the unwavering darkness of midnight, two figures appear, slipping into view. “Thank you for meeting with me, sir,” says the first, a man in a grey jacket and old military boots “I’m glad you’ve come round to our way of thinking.” “I’ll admit it took some persuasion,” the second figured grumbles “but I truly believe you and your men have the right of things; the right vision for America.” “That’s all we ever wanted, sir.” says the first, nodding sharply “What’s best for the people of the wasteland.” [b]‘See the market place In old Algiers Send me photographs And souvenirs Just remember When a dream appears You belong to me’ [/b] “And you think Hamilton is the right way to go about it?” “The only way, sir.” “Very well.” The second man reaches into the breast pocket of his blazer, pulling out a crisp paper file, which he offers to the first “This is everything my people could find about 93. I hope it proves useful.” “I’m sure that it will,” the first man takes the folder in one both hands, something akin to a smile briefly flickering across his steely face “Mister President.” “So, what happens next?” asks the President. “One of our agents has set up a meeting with the Van Graffs. Between them and this file, we’ll have enough information to put our plan in motion.” explains the first man. The president nods once, placing a hand on his chest. “Semper fidelis.” He says. “Semper fidelis.” Repeats the first man. [b]‘I'll be so alone Without you Maybe You'll be lonesome, too And blue’ [/b] [/i] [/center]