Vala was mumbling about things as the inquisitor's voice rang through the comms. The former mercenary just sighed and looked at her handywork. The prototype rifle she was building was not yet complete! Her time really did run out before she can do the finishing touches it seemed.[color=9e0b0f] “ Well at least I got it mostly assembled and nearly done for use.”[/color] She said with a pleased smile and took the weapon in her hands to test it so far. It's trigger was two staged and pulling it to the first stage put the rifle in armed mode. The rifle was rather bulky looking for a las weapon, but there was a reason for that. It consisted of 4 separate las barrels. 3 of those were locked around the fourth one, making the weapon easier to carry when not in use. It was also on the longer side as it was modeled to basically be extreme high powered sniper rifle for heavy armored targets. She pulled the trigger to it's armed mode. With a quiet sound of powering machinery, the rifle powered up( mostly) and the servo motors within it quickly opened the barrel of the rifle, turning it into 3 separate barrels in a triangle formation with one other within. The main idea was to use the 3 modified energy emitters to cause a weakening of the armor so when the fourth fires moments later it would pierce easily through armor. In theory it had worked as it was basically a variation of a needler idea of workings. Though in her case with the pure power of four modified laser emitters it would really melt through targets. She fully expected a single shot of this thing to cut a bloodbath through unarmored target mobs. She sighed once more as she released the trigger and it returned to it's safety state and the barrels quickly closed and the rifle turned dark and silent again. Even through it was almost ready, at this point it was just an overly glorified toy gun. There wasn't much she could do at the moment as she really needed to get going. Instead she just put the gun on a new magnet hook on her back next to her other guns, put the remaining components which were mainly one more lens that needed installing and quite a lot cabling that still needed to be put in place so all of those laser emitters can power up, into her tool case. With her tools and weapons secured, she pulled her custom helmet and then headed towards the shuttle bay they were ordered to. Reaching the shuttle, she carefully entered and quickly found herself a seat before sitting and strapping in. She then just stretched her arms and neck one last time before putting on her helmet. After the last fail with that concussion grenade, she was not leaving anywhere without either her helmet or a pair of very dark shades( a pair that she had currently put in her tool box as for it to not break by some accident).