As the rest of the Inquisitorial entourage were in the process of strapping themselves down in the passenger compartment of the lander, they might notice an audible, almost unnatural chill that seemed to suddenly have invaded the metal confines of the lander. By the boarding ramp, the electric lights illuminating the cabin suddenly flickered momentarily, as a set of heavy metal boots walking up the ramp could suddenly be heard coming from outside, just as the unnatural chill in the air seemed to only increase! After a couple of slow, heavy thunks as the person approached the top of the ramp, an armored skull face of a towering figure would suddenly become visible around the corner of the door to the lander - a set of purple, glowing eyes glaring methodically through the rest of the passengers as Adrianne finally stepped into the lander. She did not mutter a single word during the boarding. Only the sound of the slow, steady breathing through her metallic mask and the steady, heavy thunks of her boots was audible as Adrianne stalked the rows of seats like a phantom, shrouded in mute quiet. The closer anyone got to her, the colder they could feel the air become, as if the Psyker had become an endless, dark well that seemed to suck up all the heat and energy around her! Approaching the chair opposite of Vala(and next to Ansgar), Adrianne would stop, turn around, and slump unceremoniously down into the seat on her butt, before performing an almost robotic set of moves as she strapped into the metal harness while constantly glaring forward through her skull mask - directly at none other than Vala sitting on the other end of the lander, piercing the woman's eyes with her own, purple glowing orbs that stared at her from the black depths of the sockets of her mask!