[@Polybius] Alright, I can drop a few lines into the History when the RP starts and jump right in. I will say though, that I will probably work on my sheet as the RP progresses. I'm not great with sheets because I'm too picky about how I word things, and I dislike setting things in stone because I prefer to just develop my nation as I go. So expect my sheet to be updated, and things to be changed. I'll always let everyone know though, so no sneaky edits to worry about. EDIT: I made some very slight edits to my sheet yesterday where I clarified that the Collective's actions against the Concordance and the Mandate have been "indirect." As in, they aren't taking responsibility for any of it even though it's pretty clear that they are involved. This is because they'd rather not piss of space-Nato, of which the Concordance is a part of.