[center][h3][color=9e0b0f]Sanguine[/color][/h3][/center] Sanguine, still dressed in his casual wear was walking through the hallways of the base when he was called to the Hanger control center. Just like everyone, he walked with a certain haste. But unlike the mere minions of Talon, Lee walked with the pace and composure of someone focused on a far greater task than reporting to a certain officer. He was on his phone, as per usual. Calling one general or another admiral. The phone, however, was redirected over several lines. If anyone tried to track it, they’d almost literally travel the globe before finding his location. [color=9e0b0f]“Yes, general. I will deliver the prototype next week for the presentation. I can assure you, you will be impressed.” [/color]The other end muttered a few words, incomprehensible to everyone around him. [color=9e0b0f]“Thank you, general. Do give best to Melanie and the kids.”[/color] With a friendly goodbye, he ended the phone call with a sigh. His front could be tiresome from time to time. But that’s what is required of him. Talon was the one place that forsook all forms of morality. It offered the best pure and utter freedom. Both financially and ethically. But they only accepted perfection. Sadly, that meant taking in less… savory characters. One of them Sanguine noticed as he arrived. Viper. The glorified lab rat still smelled of the pungent fluids of a deadman. Well, Lee at least hoped the poor subject was dead. He was not entirely against the use of prisoners as test subjects. Mice, while excellent subjects themselves, weren’t 100% human. Thus results could still vary. Still, Sanguine wished that the chemist would at least have changed his clothes before entering the room. Silently Sanguine nodded his supervisor, Reaper and took a seat. But when Lee finally stood still, the smell was absolutely abhorrent. So bad even, that he could not help but say: [color=9e0b0f]“I guess hygiene is straight out of the window these days.”[/color] A not so subtle jab at Viper.