Xing Yi watched as the Thai warrior seemed to dance around his two red projectiles and evade them smoothly but narrowly. His awareness, reflexes and overall form convinced the endless monk that this man was not normal, whatever martial arts training he had, obviously pushed his skills into the near supernatural. Xing Yi was now facing someone very similar to himself. Unfortunately Xing Yi was not familar with the Muay Thai style of fighting and continued to string and fire his third arrow at the warrior without realising that the spinning kick was a form of counter attack, the big white blade of energy was totally unexpected and Xing Yi noticed it too late to avoid it fully. In a desperate last minuite dodge the Monk managed to avoid any significant injury, but the projectile impacted near his shoulder, even with his protective magic robes, it still hurt quite a lot. With his third arrow still on it way to the target Xing Yi banished his phoenix weapon away for the moment and emerged from the fog in a speeding dash, making a circling approach the warrior's left flank.