[center][h2] [color=6ecff6]Lux[/color] [/h2][/center] [hr] Aiden Paris or better yet Lux was making his way to the meeting room to meet up with his teammates and leader for their upcoming mission. Lux walked past the giant gorilla that was one of the leaders of Overwatch, Lux simply nodded his head at Winston and continue making his way to the meeting room. Lux found his time at Overwatch strange, there were many strange individuals and even stranger situations they found themselves in, but all the high-end tech kept him entertain and interested in staying with Overwatch. When Entering the meeting room he saw a strange sight, for a second he stared at the scene without a word, then suddenly he let out a sigh and made his way next to Michael and before taking a seat Lux noticed that some of the seats were wobbly as he moved his hands over them, Lux silently moved the chair back and forth before letting out a second exhausted sigh of disbelief this morning and using his synthetic arms to create a seat for him to sit on next to Michael. The chair he sat on was made of Hard-light and it was as stable as they come. [color=6ecff6]"So... what are we to do?"[/color] Lux questioned as he crossed his leg over the other one. [center][h2] [color=ed1c24]Medix[/color] [/h2][/center] [hr] Gertrude or Medix as she's better known as was writing in a clipboard on her research, subtly, she smirked as she wrote down the results of her most recent test subject who was laying on the exam table, restrained although unneeded and dying painfully from radiation poisoning and various cases of cancers and tumors throughout his body. This would further improve the effectiveness of her radiation gun. As she was writing down the successful results of her testing the subject woke up, his eyes weakly opened as he tried to endure past all the pain to say, [i]"Why won't you let me die..."[/i] His voice was shaky and weak, Medix almost didn't hear the man due to how pathetic he sounded. [color=ed1c24]"Simple, My Dear, you betrayed Talon and I needed a test subject and you had the most fortuitous of timing to betray us."[/color] Medix mocked as she bopped him on the chest, where she knew a tumor was growing tremendously, the man let out a groan in pain as she poked him. Medix let out a giggle before speaking once again. [color=ed1c24]"Don't worry dear, I let you die once you prove to be of no more use... Which should be a couple more month of intense testing then I kill you myself how does that sound?"[/color] Medix mocked the test subject, the man let out a pathetic sound between a sob and a cough. Suddenly a message came on the intercom telling all agents to come to the Hanger Control center, which included her. Medix huffed up then let out a dramatic sigh, [color=ed1c24]"Lucky you, you get a couple days to relax in your pain and bodily fluids, until I return to make you suffer."[/color] Medix said in mock anger before she let out a grin as she got up and put her clipboard on a nearby table and walked towards the door before she left though the door she looked back to her test subject and said [color=ed1c24]"Ta-ta, for now."[/color] She waved then went through the door. As she walked down the hall her jovial grin turned to a more stern expression as she quickly made her way through the Talon Base to the Hanger. After a minute of walking, she arrived at the Hanger Control center, with her follow agents, Sanguine, Reaper, and Viper. Viper, as expected was covered in bodily filth and blood which she simply rolled her eyes at, normally she would've reprimanded him for his lack of cleanliness and decency, but she wasn't in the mood to deal with him. Sanguine, on the other hand, made a snide jab about the former's attire, Medix couldn't help but agree by saying, [color=ed1c24]"hygiene was never our dear Viper's strong suit, but he's still useful to us even if should've changed before the meeting." [/color] Medix snidely commented, agreeing with Sanguine, her relationship with the man was a strange case, he was a double agent of sorts, a type Medix wouldn't trust, but she seen the use of somebody like him even if she doesn't agree with his double alliances. Medix without saying anything else simply sat down on a chair and waited for the meeting to commence. Hopefully, it won't take them too long to deal with it, the test subject only has so many days before dying from his numerous assortment of diseases.