The keep, while stocked of injured or panicking people, provided just the shelter the adventurers needed before setting back into the combat. Food was provided from the kitchen as soon as they recognised the person who was asking to be a part of the new saviour squad and even Ramando who was not a part of the original plan would get their share were they to request it. An hour passed as quietly as it was possible with the people never ceasing to shuffle around the keep. They did their best to not bother the adventurers, their only hope to see those who were left outside of the keep ever again. To Orchid's disappointment when he finally got to meet the castellan it turned out that they were, in fact, not a cook. Turned out that this man, Escobert the Red, was the man in charge of the keep as a building, currently overruled by the Governor. He was one of Hurriks kind, a dwarf with spectacularly messy beard... it was knotted and tangled, but it still showed its natural bright red colour. With him, he carried a large ring of keys and that had been the very thing that alerted the party of his approach in the first place. Once the first pleasantries had been exchanged, Escobert moved on to the most recent subject on his mind. "[color=red]We had just figured how we could get you out when the enemy had the same idea for getting in... The Old Sally port has been breached! The initial rush has been repelled, but if you could join us in an attempt to block the route just in case the message managed to spread in their ranks... it would be most appreciated.[/color]" The castellan's attitude towards the subject betrayed the real urgency of the situation: the guard of Greenest would likely not handle this without losses...