[h2]Minami Fuuka[/h2] "... No-one's gonna time me?" With a sigh, Fuuka tossed her stopwatch in the air and caught it again, jamming it in her pocket as three robots crumpled into heaps of useless shrapnel and two more were riddled with bullets, staggering for a few moments and collapsing into sparking piles of twitching robotic components. There remained four robots, one of which immediately raised an arm. It folded outwards into a chaingun and immediately opened fire, spraying the rooftop with bullets as it did, the other three robots advancing almost immediately. Fuuka sighed, and immediately sprinted to the right as she did, meeting one of the three advancing robots. There was a hiss as its arm split and produced a blazing blade of what appeared to be pure plasma. Huh. How about that. As it raised its arm and swung down, Fuuka casually dodged to the side. "Y'know looking fancy's not gonna get you anywhere, right?" she commented, raising an eyebrow. The comment was obviously not directed at the robot, and more towards the one who was in control of them. If they could hear it, at least. The blade hit the roof, and sizzled as it... failed to penetrate. After all, why would they make the building out of something so easily damaged? Springing onto the robot's arm, Fuuka jammed her hands into her pockets and wound up before delivering a swift, hard kick to that circular ufo-style head, tearing it clear from the robot's shoulders. Without a moment's pause, Fuuka snatched the decapitated head before it could get to far. "Oiiii, batter up!" she called, before hurling the head directly for the chaingun-using robot, hitting it right in the chest. "... Aah, where's your bat?" With a shrug, she sprinted right for the robot as it recovered, even as it began to take aim and open fire again. Sidestepping and reaching out, Fuuka grasped the weapon and pulled, hard enough to send the robot staggering right into her next punch. Moments later, its upper half hit the ground several dozen meters away.