[center][h2][u]FNG[/u][/h2] [sub]Collab with [@Civetta][/sub][/center] Unlike the Vitae, the hangar of the Nyx was incredibly small by comparison, cramped even. Where the Vitae had spacious docks for each of its fighters and their crews, the Nyx forced everything to fit in a small chamber like a military grade version of tetris. The Nyx’s four fighters were neatly stacked in pairs on either side of the hangar. The T-22 Fighters were hung from the ‘ceiling’ pf the Hangar to make space for the main cargo of the Nyx- its pair of Destrier Dropships and its Beast Command vehicle. A smattering of smaller vehicles were stuffed into various corners of the hangar, and only the central lane of the hangar had any considerable amount of open space. Unlike the Vitae, craft from the Nyx were ‘dropped’ out of the back instead of launched off of catapults. The general population of the hangar was considerably smaller, with an engineering crew that only numbered ten- just a few heads more than the squadron tasked to it. Unlike the Vitae, all the craft in the Nyx were already loaded for bear and prepped for launch before being loaded onto the Nyx, cutting down the noise to little more than a hush, with only the occasional clang of machinery. Standing in the center lane of the Hangar was the rest of the 7th Grave Robbers squadron. In the possession of a few commandeered crates, the squadron was assembled in a haphazard fashion; several of the squadron's pilots sitting laxly on top of the crates, while others stood, idling around. Loch and Hawkins were peering over a datapad with the latest mission details when Loch noticed Atkov and promptly gave Hawkins a light elbow nudge, before gesturing towards the new pilot with his chin. “There she is boss,” Loch spoke up, as Hawkins and several other members of the squadron glanced at their newcomer. Riley stood up attentively, while Crowley and Lin gave the new pilot a quick, subtle, look-over. Thomas on the other hand made no such effort and quickly stood and approached the new pilot. He had the look of a predator, a shark circling a potential prey, analyzing a target before he struck. Much like a shark, he appeared to have replaced intellectual curiosity with carnal urges. “Well [i]hello[/i] there…” Thomas drawled in his thick english accent, as he waited for her name. Clearly uncomfortable being the center of attention, Cassandra defaulted to a brisk salute, “Cassandra Atkov, reporting for the away mission.” “Cassandra huh? Cass for short? What ab-” Thomas started flirtatiously before he was smacked in the head by Lin, who repeatedly and rapidly whacked at the male pilot until the man retreated. Dusting herself off, Lin gave Atkov an approving nod. The diminutive pilot dismissively waved at Cassandra. “Put the salute away, we’re pilots, not desk jockeys.” Atkov nodded, whilst going back to a more relaxed position, however she still seemed somewhat nervous, “Alright. I guess things are more relaxed here than in my old squadron.” “Finally had a chance to read your file,” Sara spoke up, approaching their new pilot, her eyes finally leaving the datapad in front of her. “Kuiper Incident huh? That sounds like a piece of work. Regardless, we don’t put much weight on formalities around here- only when the top brass are involved. If I see you sitting on a crate when the Admiral walks in, [i]then[/i] we may have a problem.” “Now that you’re here, you get to meet the rest of the squad,” Sara added, gesturing to the mottled assortment of pilots sitting in the hangar around them. “You’ve just met Thomas, he’s a dick so don’t listen to a word he says.” Sara said, pointing at the cocky brit who seemed to take the jab with some amount of pride. He was the second tallest in the squadron, a few inches shorter than Crowley, with dirty blonde hair and an equally dirty attitude. “Lin,” she continued, pointing at the almost childlike figure behind her, “is a lot more dangerous than she looks, so don’t underestimate her.” “Riley,” Sara added, patting the rookie on the shoulders, “is new like you, but doesn’t have any combat experience, so we’re gonna have to keep a close eye on him.” Sara’s quick and dirty introductions to the rest of the squadron continued like so, until the Nyx was prepped to launch. It was at this point Sara waved the squadron around her so they could listen up to their current assignment. “So since we’re one of the only squadrons to have faced combat, Command has decided to reward us with a milk run- why they don’t just send another squadron to do it, I have no idea, but we make do with the rusty nail covered sticks we’re given.” “Anyway, Lin and Thomas, will be on escort duty in T-22s, guarding the Nyx as it approaches the planet. Upon atmospheric entry, Riley and Loch will head out on T-47s to gather more telemetric data. Upon return, myself and Atkov will be joining the away party on Shrieks for ‘eyes on’ scouting. Crowley will be Close-air-support in the Destrier. Any questions? Lets saddle up.”