[center][i][h1][color=mediumpurple]Elise[/color] & [color=darkgoldenrod]Vladimir[/color][/h1][/i][/center] Elise's eyes swept through the camp and as soon as she saw the commotion with Isolde, she stood up. Without her wounds, she was completely able to move and was ready to make herself useful to the group. She crossed the distance, Vlad following a few steps after her. She looked at Malcolm, Elyra, Salem then finally James. The emotions and confusion that she felt earlier was not visible on her face and it was impossible to tell what she was thinking. [color=mediumpurple]"Conserve your energy, Malcolm. I will take care of Isolde. This is, after all, the only thing I can really contribute to this group,"[/color] and with those words, she crouched down beside the still unconscious Isolde and wrapped her fingers on her wrist. There were no bright glow or any magnificent display of powers. It was just Elise holding Isolde's wrist. She shared some of her life energy to the girl, her healing ability not replenishing the blood she lost but merely putting her system in overdrive to produce the amount she had lost. It only took a few seconds to make Isolde's pulse stabilize. When she was done, Elise let go of Isolde's wrist and gently laid her hand on her chest. She stood up. She swayed a little on her feet but Vladimir immediately reached out to steady her. She gave the small group a small bow before she walked away, supported by the Templar. [hr][hr][center][@Venku] [@Shadow Daedalus] [@Caits] [@dabombjk] [@Wick] [@Gareth] [@King Tai] [@BlackPanther] [@canaryrose] [@DustyOldCrow] [@Ashevelendar] [/center]