[@Liaison], isn't entirely off the mark. Albeit, things get a lot more... Tricky when you start talking about dodging things that go beyond a certain speed - even if you have superior eyesight. Likewise, I understand what Liaison is getting at in response to your discussion of non-interactive attacks, [@MelonHead]. I believe this really boils down to communication between those involved. I recall when I first started out with combat role-playing that I encountered a situation where my character was described as being thrown into the bottom of a spacecraft flying overhead, then slammed into some sludge on the ground... Granted, the entire thread was to be judged upon the conclusion of the fight to see the overall victor, but I just could not wrap my head around someone else doing that. What I took away from it, however, was that I required better communication with those I am sparring with... And that such situations just push my creative talents to a new level... Simply because I myself aim to never do something like that on my end unless it serves to further the narrative and has been agreed upon by those participating in the thread ahead of time.