[center][h1] [color=fff200]The Wall and Babies, Babies everywhere[/color] [/h1][/center] [@king tai][@josephb][@wildrose][@caits] Violet and Ingrid were outside walking and inspecting the wall that Ethan had worked on. He and a lot of the other men had followed the schematics that he had come up with. It had become apparent that the chain link alone would probably not work for very long. When Violet's horse caught the attention of the walkers they literally pushed til the chain link had folded under the pressure. Heath Ledger had been walker food and that was enough to encourage the wall being built. Ingrid looked at Violet who always got upset when they got to the area where her horse had died. She sighed deeply and her eyes welled up. [color=a187be] "I miss that horse so much."[/color] Ingrid stretched and smiled slightly. [color=c4df9b] "I know."[/color] Ethan was finally adding the last touches to the wall with Darius and Krystan who he'd become good friends with over the past few months. Raph was lying down watching them. The wall was made out of corrugated metal and basically clamped together all around the school. Ethan was proud of the wall he'd built, knowing it was strong enough to keep the Walkers out at least. It had took them quite a few months to actually build the wall mainly for the fact of not enough man power and no machines being able to move the metal easily. There was only one entrance now that was in front of the schools front door. Ethan had put the fence around the 20 metres away from the building so there was room to walk around the school and maybe start to grow some crops and raise some animals. Ethan stood next to the gate which swung outwards and was tied together by a massive chain to keep it locked making sure it didn't fall apart when someone pushed it. [color=00a651]"I think we've done a good job people."[/color] Ethan shouted happily as pushed heavily on gate. [color=00a651]"Now we need to just add a little guards post at the top so we can see who comes knocking."[/color] Ethan thought outloud, as he turned around and leant against the wall, it was only around eight foot tall but it would still be good to check who was outside. Ethan took a big swig out of a water bottle and handed it over to Krystan. [color=00a651]"You want some?"[/color] Ethan asked as he wiped a bit of sweat away from his forhead. Matt looked at her smiling. [color=f49ac2] "Well let's see it. You ready?"[/color] Sasha wasn't sure the answer to that. How could she be ready? Was anyone ever ready? She drew in a slow breath, and nodded. She could do it. It was such a simple thing, really, and yet she found it hard, as she held out the test so they could both see it. Matt looked at the test and got a huge grin and he picked her up and kissed her. [color=f49ac2] "Congratulations Mommy."[/color] Sasha smiled, and returned his kiss, she wasn't scared, but it was slightly daunting, but...it was, ultimately, thrilling, and she gave a laugh, [color=f7941d]"So, what do we do now?"[/color] She asked. [color=f49ac2] "We keep you healthy and safe and we don't tell Grace til your belly becomes big."[/color] Matt couldn't help himself he was happy. He'd always wanted a big family and he thought Grace needed a sibling. [color=f49ac2] "Sasha? Would you marry me? I've wanted to ask you for months but I was honestly afraid after Kat. I'm not anymore and I think now would be perfect."[/color] Krystan nods taking the bottle from her friend.[color=brown]"Thanks Ethan. You did a pretty bad ass job with the wall.[/color]" The water falls a bit of water before handing it to Darius."[color=brown]As for the watch tower why don't we put it into the right of us over in the corner a bit off the wall[/color]." Krystan says nodding towards the corner she was talking about. Sasha smiled brightly, not quite trusting herself to speak, she nodded, and hugging him, she kissed him, absolutely overwhelmed, she leaned against him, knowing she was always safe with Matt. She finally managed to say [color=f7941d]"Yes"[/color] Ethan slouched down relaxing for a minute after the hard day they'd had. He let out a little chuckle at her complinment. [color=00a651]"Thanks."[/color] Ethan looked over to Raph who was lying down looking content with life, he gave him a scratch on top of his head. Ethan was happy that there was some dogs in the school, Ethan had always liked dogs. [color=00a651]"Good idea... But for now, I think we deserve a break, the walls up and the gates finished. We'll have a look tomorrow."[/color] Ethan replied to Krystan's idea as he looked up at her and smiled. Ingrid nodded as Violet said she was getting hot and was going back inside. [color=c4df9b] "Ok Vi" [/color]Ingrid was still a little suspicious of Krystan. She wouldn't have been if she didn't spend all of her day with Ethan. As Ingrid approached them she pulled the sandwiches out and handed them to the three. [color=c4df9b] "It looks like you are finally done for the day. It looks really good." [/color]Darius tore into his sandwiches and thanked Ingrid. Matt picked up Sasha and kissed her deeply wrapping her legs around him as he carried her into their room and kicking the door shut.[color=00aeef] "You've made me the happiest man in the world."[/color] Krystan took her sandwiches smiling at Ingrid,"[color=brown]Thank you.[/color]" She said walking over to Raphael. She sits with him and breaks off half of a sandwich laughing at the begging puppy dog look she was getting from him."[color=brown]You are too old for the puppy look boy.[/color]" Krystan laughs handing the peice to the dog. Raphael barks taking the peice gratefully before getting up and running away towards the back of the school. Ethan looked across to Ingrid who'd walked over with some sandwiches, he smiled at the sight of her. He slowly stood up and let out a sigh of relief over the completion of the wall. He looked over at Raph begging and laughed at him, he was happy here with everyone hoping that they could finally have a bit of saftey and life could go back to some sort of normality. Casually Ethan strolled over to Ingrid and kissed her on the lips. [color=00a651]"Thank you gorgeous."[/color] Ethan happily said as he grabbed the sandwich and took a bite out of it. Ingrid smiled and kissed him back.[color=c4df9b] "It's a fine wall and it looks very solid. So does the gate. I heard you talking about the tower. Where are you going to put it?" [/color]Ingrid looked at the dog and smiled as Krystan fed him. Ethan wrapped one of his arms around Ingrids hip and pointed to the corner were Krystan mentioned. Ethan told Ingrid, [color=00a651]"We're thinking about chucking it there. It doesn't really need to be anything special, just so we can see the barbarians at the gates."[/color] He laughed as he took another bite out of the sandwich and chucked the crusts to Raph. Conroy and Enzo was just coming from the gym, sparring with one another while Enzo, like always, ends up getting beat or nearly getting beat by Conroy since the younger were more experienced and hardcore than Enzo despite the older holding back as to not cause injury. Guess one could say that Enzo still had a soft spot for his little bro. Walking in as Conroy turned [color=ed1c24]Bro, I'll catcha later...I need to get my bird bath...[/color] he said. Enzo turned and nodded [color=gray]Alright man. Next time, I'm gonna stop pulling my fuckin punches if you're going to cheat by stepping on my foot and poking my eye and aiming to kick my balls and shit...[/color] he said to him, hearing Conroy laugh right after. Enzo walked down the hall and noticed Violet [color=gray]Hm? Purp....you okay?[/color] he asked Violet gave him a funny look and said, [color=a187be] "for about four months pregnant I'm great!"[/color] Violet wasn't having morning sickness like Nikki had had but her ankles were swelling up. She went into the room and climbed into bed and put her feet up. Ingrid smiled at Ethan and she looked at the school and wondered it if was going to be good for the long haul, Would it sustain them for years? Ethan didn't really know what to do with himself now, he'd been working on the wall for the past few months and hadn't really been able to relax which wasn't really like him. [color=00a651]"I'm feeling a nap... I think I've deserved one."[/color] Ethan smiled as he announced it to everyone. "[color=brownI for one am going to take some time to touch up on Raph's training. I've been so busy with the wall I hadn't have time to keep up.[/color]" Krystan says standing she lets out a whistle and Raphael came padding over. "[color=brown]If anyone wants me tell them I am at the back of the school alright?[/color]" She says walking away."[color=brown]Raph lets go.[/color]" She commanded the dog barks following his owner. Enzo smirked [color=gray]Well we can always thank our little guy for that.[/color] he said assuming that it was a boy that they were having even though they had no clue what gender the child is. Enzo walked over to support Violet into the room and helped her into the bed [color=gray]Need me to get you anything, love?[/color] he asked her Ingrid looked at Ethan and put her arm through his and walked with him back into the building. [color=c4df9b] "I know I shouldn't be jealous of Krystan. It would be easy to hate her if she were mean or rotten. But try as I might I can't find anythin' wrong with her. I know I can trust you so why do I feel so insecure around her?" [/color]Ingrid thought about it and said, [color=c4df9b] "Maybe it's because everyone else is getting pregnant and I haven't. Speaking of that, Violet is getting a bit bitchy."[/color] Violet shook her head. [color=a187be] "No, it's too late to ask for birth control pills or condoms."[/color] She said whistfully.[color=a187be] "If men had to do this they wouldn't want sex so much."[/color] She kicked off her shoes. She buried her head under her pillow. [color=a187be] "I'm getting fat and swollen and I look terrible!"[/color] Violet burst into tears then yelled,[color=a187be] "and it's YOUR fault!"[/color] Ethan stopped in his tracks and spun Ingrid around so she was facing him. [color=00a651]"Awww you're getting jealous?"[/color] Ethan said to her with a cheeky smile on his face [color=00a651]"I never expected you to be the jealous type."[/color] He held her by the hips and kissed her on the forehead. [color=00a651]"It's pretty cute."[/color] He gave her a wink. When she changed the subject to Violet being pregnant, he was a little taken back. Someone else who was pregnant, luckily they was in a school, Ethan thought. [color=00a651]"Jesus, there's gunna be kids running all over this place."[/color] Ethan didn't really know how he felt about children and from the sound of it Ingrid wasn't pregnant which made her in the minority. Ethan didn't really want a kid at the moment, well until they knew they had complete security. Enzo had a cheerful smile at first wanting to do what he could for the mother of his child but then from her comments, the smile slowly faded into a frown by her words towards him. That was a hell of a negative thing to say but granted...the pregnancy hormones were in effect but that shit didn't make things any better. Enzo averted his eyes with a frown and spoke softly as if his feelings got hurt [color=gray]I...I know that you're the one that's preggo...but....we both did this together.....I mean...you're still beautiful in my eyes and this is a beautiful thing we're doing by making a baby together and all. But....yeah...I guess....it is my fault since I don't have to go through what you have to.....go through.....I um....if.....if you need any thing...I'll...[/color] he said continuing to point with his thumb to outside the room, having a hard time to find the right words to say [color=gray]Uh....yeah....[/color] he said backing out of the room trying to smile and passed through the door frame. Ingrid blushed at his compliments. She loved it when he called her gorgeous and she supposed she should be happy that she wasn't pregnant and she could still fight and go on supply runs. She didn't want to tell Nikki what was happening out there though and she was worried about how long they could stay in the school. She hadn't told anyone but George and he wasn't going to tell unless directly asked.[color=c4df9b] "I guess it's better if right now we aren't having babies."[/color] Violet heard Enzo's voice sounding hurt and sad and she felt terrible about making him feel bad and she began to cry.[color=a187be] "I'm sorry! I'm a horrible person and I can't seem to control my own ....well anything. I don't know why you are still with me. I'm so mean to you. I swear I don't know where it's coming from." [/color]She sobbed as if she had been stabbed. Ethan looked at Ingrid and smiled but the way she said it made him think that she wanted to be pregnant. He held her hand and had a think for a moment. "We could eventually have a kid if you wanted to... I just think it might be best waiting for now, let's just make sure we're safe before we bring a baby into this world." Ethan started to kiss her. "Now let's go for a shower." Ethan joked as he pulled her hands gesturing her to follow him. Ingrid took Ethan's hand and let him lead her to the showers. Before Enzo could leave, he heard her cry out that she was sorry and he stopped before leaving all the way and before looking back up, he heard her out. Hesitating for a moment, he didn't answer. He had to think of the right thing to say and hopefully it wouldn't set her off again but he turned to her and looked over "You're not horrible, love. I'm with you because I love you and with this child...my love will grow even more for you and our young one..." he said. He started walking back in and towards her gulping and hoping that his words are gentle enough. [color=gray]I know you're going through a lot with this pregnancy...but we are in it together...[/color] he said coming over to sit on the bed, kissing her cheek to calm her. His patience started to work after what recently transpired. But....this wasn't the first time she did this during the pregnancy but he heard rumors that this was going to get worse before birth. Violet needed his reassurance. She got up and closed the door. [color=a187be] "You really think I'm still pretty?" [/color]She slipped her shirt off and said, [color=a187be] "Come here."[/color] Enzo raised his eyebrow when she got up to close the door. When she asked him if he really thought she was pretty, he knew this was one of those trick questions where you choose the one wrong word or syllable in the sentence and your world is fucked...hell....hesitate on answering or answer too quick and you're fucked. Act like a damn perv and you're fucked... Enzo looked her dead in the eyes, which was dangerous too almost like looking at a predator ready to pounce, he answered with head nod and a smiled and a "mhm mhm" to her question, giving a hopefully convincing smile to her. He hoped she was buying this as he still felt she was pretty but he had to tread the water carefully on the delivery. When she pulled her shirt off, he stared at her breasts as the smile stayed plastered on his face and walked towards her. He knew what time it was.... Violet took his hand and pulled him to the bed. [@dabombjk]